Planetary Transits September 9 – September 18

Note: Thank you to everyone who sent an email asking when the column would be coming out next. We are now beginning to implement some positive changes that we look forward to sharing with you.

This week’s column, for example, is being extended to September 18th so that future columns can cover the horoscopes for each rising sign starting on Sunday each week rather than on Thursdays.

(The previous timeline was for a weekly newspaper that is no longer publishing.)

This is also an interesting time as we currently have 4 planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn) plus the northern and southern nodes, Rahu and Ketu, in their own signs, mooltrikona signs and/or exaltation signs. Planets tend to do very well in these signs if strong in degrees and free from afflictions.

Continue to be vigilant, however, through October 20 — as Saturn remains within the 5-degree orb of influence of the ninth aspect of Rahu.  (Sorry to keep extending the date – but this transit is quite slow-moving.)

The impact of Rahu on Saturn creates stress relative to Covid-19, the masses, the elderly, immigrants, working-class persons, agriculture, manufacturing and the oil, gas and minerals industries – along with things of the earth, including fires, floods tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, weather issues, etc., such as Hurricane Ida and the historic and catastrophic flooding in northeastern USA.

Prediction from August 19th weekly column:

“Venus is debilitated until Sept. 5. Take care of the women in your life and be patient with law, luxuries, medicine, entertainment and the fine, healing or performing arts.”

Recent Headline: “Texas Passes Most Restrictive Abortion Law in U.S.”

Sun transits out of its own sign, Leo, and into Virgo, September 16 at 2:43 p.m. CDT. Sun is outside the orb of influence of other planets, but weak in degrees September 11 – 20.  Leaders, physicians, administrators and governments should get extra rest.

Moon is waxing and transits Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and into Aquarius. Moon, in Scorpio, is debilitated September 11 – 13. Watch your emotional state and be vigilant around volatile persons and situations.

Mars transits Virgo, from 2:06-8:33°. Mars is weak in degrees until September 13 and comes under the 5th aspect of Rahu starting September 14th. The military, police, surgeons, athletes, realtors, executives, engineers, construction workers and firefighters should be careful and patient.

Mercury transits its exaltation sign, Virgo, from 18:47-28:16°. Mercury is outside the orb of influence of other planets, but weak in degrees September 15 – October 8. Be patient with stocks, business, writing, communications, technology and intellectual property.

Jupiter transits out of Aquarius and into its debilitation sign, Capricorn, September 14 at 3:51 a.m. CDT. Jupiter is retrograde until October 18. The adverse effects are primarily for Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn rising sign persons — but only when Jupiter is within five degrees of their rising sign degree (in any house) or another planet by aspect or conjunction, in either the birth chart or transit chart. Jupiter is outside the orb of influence of other planets, but is weak in its debilitation sign, September 15 – November 19. This is not helpful for law, banking, religion, morality, education, publishing, teaching and consulting.

Jupiter Transits Capricorn

Venus transits its own sign, Libra, from 3:56-15:24°. This should be favorable for women, design, fashion, medicine, luxuries, advertising, photography, entertainment and the fine, healing and performing arts. Venus is under the 10th aspect of Saturn, September 13 — 21. Cancer, Virgo, and Pisces rising sign persons, companies, and countries (including USA) should be careful and patient.

Saturn transits its own sign, Capricorn from 13:32-13:06°. Saturn remains under the close ninth aspect of Rahu through October 20. This is not ideal for the masses, the elderly, the poor and needy, working-class persons and immigrants. Manufacturing, agriculture, and the oil, gas and minerals industries – along with things of the earth — are also vulnerable.

Saturn remains in retrograde motion until October 10th. Retrograde Saturn is adverse primarily only for Cancer, Virgo and Pisces rising sign persons, companies and countries (including USA) – but only when Saturn is within five degrees of the rising sign degree (in any house) or another planet by aspect or conjunction, in either the birth chart or transit chart.

Rahu and Ketu transit Taurus and Scorpio, respectively, from 10:46-10:05°. People, companies and countries with a rising sign between 8 to 12 degrees — or with any planets in even signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces) in these same degrees, should exercise a great deal of care and patience.

The Impact of the Transit Planets for each “Rising Sign” (not “Sun Sign”)

Aries: Focus on your health and finances. You may be feeling competitive when it comes to education, investments, and creative projects. Enjoy your children and spend time in nature. There can be wins in disputes and good support for decision-making, but watch out for conflicts and being too short-tempered. Get extra rest to manage fatigue. Partnerships, relationships, joint ventures, marriage and comforts living abroad should do well.

Taurus: Happiness at home, parents, property, vehicles, and fixed assets should do well. People may come to you for advice. Pursue higher education, new investments, research and creative projects, but watch out for short-lived losses, expenses, or general issues relative to the same. Be patient with windfalls, easy gains, the marital bond, and your career and professional life which are subject to obstructions and general weakness. Your health and finances have some level of protection.

Gemini: Expect a lift with your mind and success with your own initiatives. You may be feeling bold and courageous. Take on a leadership role. There can be gains and income working out of your home on writing, business, communication, and technology fields or in connection with assets and family ventures. Consider buying property. Be patient with partnerships, relationships, joint ventures, marriage, fortune, father, travel, and spiritual pursuits. Higher education, children, investments, and creative projects should do well.

Cancer: Enjoy status, speak up as an authority figure, and take on a leadership position. You may have tremendous energy this week. Entrepreneurial activities, and independent projects should do well. Connect these with analytical problem-solving, writing, business, and communication fields. Be patient with health and finances, windfalls, easy gains, and the marital bond which are all weak. Beautify your living space and focus on art, music and luxuries. Consider a new car. Work out of your home on the fine arts, performing arts, and healing arts, but be patient with short-lived obstructions with home life.

Leo: Expect professional success and social recognition. Take on a leadership role or ask for a raise or promotion. There can be good luck connected with your wealth and status as well as support for writing, business, communication, and technology projects. Be patient with some weakness with higher education, children, investments, and creative projects. Focus on entrepreneurial activities and independent projects connected with women, the fine arts, performing arts, and healing arts.

Virgo: Focus on enterprises connected with writing, business, communication, and technology fields. You may be feeling competitive and energetic, but be careful to manage setbacks and disappointments, and to avoid accidents. For some of you there may be windfalls or easy gains. Connect your wealth and status with the fine arts, performing arts and healing arts, but be patient with short-lived conflicts relative to the same. Take care of home life, parents, property, vehicles, fixed assets, health and finances. Consider a foreign land, retreat, or ashram.

Libra: Focus on the fine arts, performing arts, and healing arts. Enjoy luxuries, host a party, or spend time making art. You may travel abroad, visit a place of interest, or have gains from exports or foreign lands. Watch out for losses, expenses, separations, and general issues in joint ventures or with marriage; Connect these with spirituality. Entrepreneurial activities, independent projects, higher education, children, investments, and creative projects are all weak. On the other hand, income, friendships, and fulfillment of desires are all well supported.

Scorpio: Career and professional life get support. Take on a leadership or authoritative role in your workplace. There may be short conflicts, debts, and disputes connected with gains, friendships and fulfillment of desires. There can be income connected with investments, writing, business, communication, and technology fields. Expect less when it comes to health, finances, wealth, status, happiness at home, home life, parents, property, vehicles, and fixed assets. Spirituality, romance, relationships, and long-distance travel should do well.

Sagittarius: Connect knowledge, writing, business, communications, and technology fields with your profession. Watch out for restlessness in your career and use your creativity in the workplace to achieve your goals. Fortune, father, travel, and spirituality are all supported. Expect less when it comes to your reputation, health, entrepreneurial activities, independent projects, and own self efforts. There may be income, gains, friendships, and fulfillment of desires through women, the fine arts, performing arts, or healing arts. As for a raise or promotion.

Capricorn: There may be good luck connected with your home life, parents, property, vehicles, and fixed assets, but general issues may pop up here as well. Your dharma (work in life), travel, and spirituality do well; Connect these with writing, business, communications, and technology fields. For some of you there may be windfalls, easy gains, or inheritance. Wealth, status, sleep, intimacy and life away from your birth place are all weak. Expect success in your professional life and connect your career with the fine arts, performing arts, and healing arts. Spend time beautifying your workspace.

Aquarius: There may be setbacks, disappointments, or general issues relative to your decision making, entrepreneurial activities and independent projects. Expect fortune and luxuries connected with the fine arts, performing arts and healing arts. Exercise patience and get extra rest. Connect deep research, languages, mystical and occult knowledge and ancient knowledge with writing, business, communications, and technology fields. Your health, enterprises, income, gains, friendships and fulfillment of desires are all weak. For some of you however, there may be some windfall, easy gains, or inheritance.

Pisces: There can be wealth, status, and continuation of family life connected with partnerships, relationships, joint ventures and marriage. Your courage, health and finances should do well, but wealth, status, windfalls, easy gains, inheritance and the marital bond may be connected with some losses, expenses, separations, or general issues. Be patient with your career and professional life, life away from your birth place, sleep, and intimacy which are all weak during this time.

Note: Planetary remedies add a protective covering to life. Strengthen your favorable planets (with color and gemstone therapy and/or the mystical pendant known as the kavach: ( and do “Bhoota” and “Deva” “Yagyas” (charities and chants) for the planets that cause adverse effects in your horoscope.

Astrology Video of the Week:

Quote of the Week:

“In today’s rush we all think too much, seek too much, want too much and forget about the joy of just Being — Eckhart Tolle

Video of the Week:

Ask This Question When Facing a Challenge| Eckhart Tolle Teachings



Video #1: How to Analyze a Horoscope in 3 Minutes – Theory

Video #2: How to Analyze a Horoscope in 3 Minutes- Example

Married Life:

Video Presentations from the IIPA Conference in India:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Case Studies:

Online Video Course:


Systemsʻ Approach Website:

Astrology Classes: