Venus, also known as “Shukra,” is personified as a teacher and a lover. When strong in the birth chart of a person, it gives affluence, pleasures, luxury, beauty, harmony, creativity, love, clarity, balance and sensuality. It also indicates inclination towards the fine arts, performing arts, healing arts, fashion, photography, architecture, romance and all things beautiful.
Category: Venus
Venus In Gemini
Venus enters Gemini from May 2nd, 2023-May 30th, 2023 For Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius rising signs: You can wear diamond gemstones and royal blue clothing or the kavach for more support. For Taurus, Scorpio, and Pisces rising signs: You should stay away from Diamond Gemstones,
Venus Transits Aries
Venus will transit the sign of Aries from March March 11th, 2023-April 6th, 2023. Aries: Connect with partnerships, relationships, joint ventures, and marriage. Get a haircut, buy some new clothes, pamper yourself Taurus: Watch for losses and expenses relative to health and finances. Be careful with transportation Gemini: Enjoy income, gains, friendships, and fulfillment of