Planetary Transits for August 13 – August 19

In the SAMVA* chart for USA, transit 6th house ruler, Jupiter, is closely conjunct the 4th house ruler, Venus. This is likely to cause debts, disputes, health and legal issues with property and domestic peace through the national election, especially August 15 – October 15, when Jupiter and Venus are in close conjunction.
* Systemsʻ Approach to Mundane Astrology (

Where the Vedic Astrology Planets are this Week

  • Sun transits out of Cancer and into Leo, August 16th at 8:41 a.m. CDT. Sun is closely conjunct Mercury until August 20th. Aries, Libra and Aquarius rising sign persons, companies and countries should be careful and patient.
  • Moon is waning and transits Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and into Leo. The new Moon is in Leo, August 18 at 9:41 p.m. CDT.
  • Mars transits out of Pisces, and into its own sign, Aries, on August 16th at 7:58 a.m. CDT.
  • Mercury transits out of Cancer and into Leo, August 16th at 9:58 p.m. CDT. Mercury is closely conjunct Sun until August 20th. Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces rising sign persons, companies and countries should be careful and patient.
  • Jupiter transits its own sign of Sagittarius, from 24:43 to 24:09°. Jupiter is in good strength, which should be helpful for the law, religion and education. Jupiter is in retrograde motion until Sept. 13th.  The adverse effects of this transit are only for Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn rising sign persons, companies and countries (including USA) – and only when Jupiter is within 5 degrees of the rising sign degree (in any house) or another planet by aspect or conjunction.
  • Venus transits Gemini, from 11:04 to 17:56°. This connects women and the fine, healing and performing arts with business, communications and social activities.
  • Saturn transits Capricorn, from 02:55 to 02:25°. Saturn is in retrograde motion, May 11 – Sept. 29. The adverse effects of this transit are only for Cancer, Virgo and Pisces rising sign persons, companies and countries (including USA) – and only when Saturn is within 5 degrees of the rising sign degree (in any house) or another planet by aspect or conjunction.
  • Rahu and Ketu transit Gemini and Sagittarius, respectively, from 03:35 to 03:08°. Persons, companies and countries with planets in “odd” signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius) between 2 and 4 degrees — or whenever Rahu or Ketu are within 5 degrees of their rising sign degree (in any house), or any planet (by aspect or conjunction) should be careful and patient.

The Impact of the Transit Planets for each “Rising Sign” (not “Sun Sign”)

  • Aries: Be patient for a few days and then expect a nice lift. In the meantime, take care of your children, education and investments; these are vulnerable to debts, disputes or health or legal issues. Connect partnerships, joint ventures, foreign lands, women, and the fine, healing or performing arts with entrepreneurial projects. Good fortune is with you through October. Expect gains and friendships in the workplace through April 2022.
  • Taurus:  Connect children, education, investments, property, vehicles and home life with entrepreneurial ventures. There may be status with women and the fine, healing or performing arts – but be vigilant when speaking to avoid disputes, Recent losses with income and friendships begin to dissipate. Focus on research, mystical sciences and ancient knowledge through October. Expect good fortune in the workplace, for the most part, through April 2022.
  • Gemini: There may be status with your parents, property, vehicles and home life. Expect entrepreneurial success mid-August to mid-September. Connect with your children, education and investments. Get a haircut, buy new clothes and consider a spa. Income and friendships are on your side, mid-August through September. Focus on joint ventures through October. Father/religious figures may be vulnerable through April 2022. There may be a windfall, inheritance or lottery winning as well.
  • Cancer: Be patient with expenses with property, vehicles and home life through August. Focus on writing, language, business, communications and independent projects. Expect a lift with your wealth, status and family life, mid-August to mid-September, along with success in your professional life through September. There is some protection with debts, disputes, health and legal issues through October.
  • Leo: Be patient for a few days and then expect a big lift, mid-August to mid-September. There should be gains from women and the fine, healing or performing arts, along with success with entrepreneurial expenses through August. Good fortune is on your side, mid-August through September. Your best bet is with children, education and investments through October. Be vigilant with partnerships through April 2022; these are vulnerable to debts, disputes, health or legal issues.
  • Virgo: Expect status at work connected with women, and the fine, healing or performing arts through August. Be patient with expenses, separations or insomnia through August 20th. Consider an ashram or retreat through the end of the month. A windfall, inheritance, settlement or marriage is possible mid-August through September. Your best bet is with property, vehicles and home life through October.
  • Libra: Be patient with expenses and separations with income and friendships through August 20th. On a personal level, expect good fortune and focus on father/religious figures through the end of the month. Partnerships and joint ventures do well mid-August through September. Focus on teaching, consulting, and publishing ventures through October.
  • Scorpio: Enjoy good fortune with income and friendships. On the other hand, there may be expenses, separations and setbacks with windfalls, inheritance, settlements or marriage through the end of the month. Expect a lift at work mid-August to mid-September. Ask for a raise or promotion; there may be an award or recognition. Teach, publish and advise through October.
  • Sagittarius: Be patient for a few days with your career. On the other hand, there may be gains from partnerships and joint ventures through the end of the month. Expect good fortune in general, mid-August to mid-September. There may also be a lift with your children, education and investments, mid-August through September. Teach, publish and advise through mid-November.
  • Capricorn: Be patient with setbacks through August 20th. There may also be debts, disputes or legal issues at work through the end of the month. Focus on property, vehicles and home life, mid-August through September. Focus on retreats, institutions or long-distance ventures through October. Wealth, status and family life are on your side for the most part through April 2022.
  • Aquarius:  Be vigilant with relationships through August 20th — to manage setbacks, obstructions or accidents. On the other hand, there may be good fortune with your children, education and investments through the end of the month. Focus on entrepreneurial ventures mid-August through September. Gain from teaching, publishing and consulting through October.
  • Pisces: Be vigilant through August 20th to manage debts, disputes, health or legal issues connected with marriage, partnerships or long-distance ventures. Redecorate your home, but be patient with setbacks with property, vehicles and home life through the end of the month. Expect a lift with your wealth, status and home life, mid-August through September. Focus on your career though mid-November. Teach, publish, consult and advise.

About the Author: David Hawthorne