Five Planets In Their Own Signs

Sun is now in Leo, Mars is now in Aries, and Mercury is now in Leo.


Five planets are in their own signs. A planet in its own sign is treated as strong, and is capable of generating excellent results, provided it is not in the state of infancy, old age or debilitated in the navamsa (divisional chart).



Sun at 1° Leo (infant state)

Moon at 14° Cancer

Mars at 0° Aries (infant state)

Jupiter at 24° Sagittarius

Saturn at 2° Capricorn (non MT) (infant state)


From Professor K. Rajesh Chaudhary, “Generally things should look up, but Taurus, Scorpio and Virgo rising countries/natives should watch out for the transit affliction to their functional malefic Mars as it remains under prolonged affliction in the infant stage although in its own moolatrikona sign. 


During such spells stubborn behaviour, anger, tenacity and headstrong nature comes to the fore and gives rise to many issues and problems due to fire, violent accidents, bloodshed and injuries.


I remember during one such instance of Mars getting stationary under the station of nodes. That was in the run up to the Gulf war in December 1990. The UN Security council/ Bush senior gave an ultimatum to Iraqi President Saddam Hussain that he should withdraw from Kuwait by 14th Jan, 1991. Prof Choudhry predicted that he will not withdraw as Mars was stationary around 4/5 degrees for about a month.”

ARIES: Sun transits your fifth house. You may be feeling competitive regarding your higher education, investments, and creative projects. This is a good placement for your children and emotions as well. Spend some time in nature.  You may be feeling extra competitive and energetic as Mars is transiting your first house of self. Spend some extra time at the gym and get on a good fitness routine. Mercury will be transiting your fifth house of higher education, children, investments, and creative projects. You can connect these areas with writing, business and communications as well as with fields of health and finance, but be careful to avoid conflicts, debts, disputes, health and financial issues relative to these areas when Mercury is close to your rising sign degree. 

TAURUS: Sun transits your fourth house. This position is good for your parents, wealth and luxuries, studying, and family life. Focus on your home life, property, vehicles, and fixed assets. There may be inclinations to go to foreign lands or distant places. Mercury will be transiting your fourth house of home life, parents, property, vehicles, and fixed assets. Work out of your home on higher education, children, investments, creative projects, writing, business, and communications.

GEMINI: Sun transits your third house. You may be feeling bold and courageous when it comes to your entrepreneurial activities and independent projects. Multitask and get stuff done! Enjoy a leadership role and expect success. The focus is on your income, gains, friendships, and fulfillment of desires during this time. Be competitive, take on a leadership role, and go after that money! Mercury will be transiting your third house of entrepreneurial activities, independent projects, and self efforts. You can connect these areas with your home life, parents, property, vehicles, fixed assets, writing, business, and communications.

CANCER: Sun transits your second house. Enjoy good social status, speak with power and conviction, take on a leadership role. Expect a lift with your wealth and status. Mars will be transiting your tenth house. Focus on your career and professional life. Enjoy a little competitive spirit and be direct and courageous in the workplace. Mercury will be transiting your second house of wealth, status, and continuation of family life. You can have wealth and status connected with your entrepreneurial activities, independent projects, self efforts, the fine arts, performing arts, and healing arts.

LEO: Sun transits your first house. Enjoy professional success and social recognition. People will follow you in what you’re doing this month. Speak with power and conviction. Take on a leadership role. There may be benefits from the government or authority figures. Mars is transiting your ninth house. There can be good luck, divine grace, and good fortune during this time connected with sports, competition, property and leadership roles. Enjoy a fighting spirit. There may be focus on long distant ventures of short duration and sudden or unexpected gains. Mercury will be transiting your first house of name, fame, reputation, and enterprises. You can have wealth and status during this time. Focus on writing, business, and communications.

VIRGO: Sun transits your twelfth house. You may travel to a foreign land. It would be a good time to go on a spiritual retreat. There is focus on ashrams, spiritual journeys, and enlightenment. Focus on deep research, language, mystical and occult knowledge, and ancient knowledge. There can be some windfalls, easy gains, inheritance, or lottery winnings during this time. Mercury will be transiting your twelfth house of losses, expenses, and separations. This is not ideal and can connect you with losses, expenses, separations, isolation, insomnia, and lack of intimacy. Go inward and focus on spirituality, foreign lands, and ashrams. There can be some issues with the respiratory canal, skin, nervous tension and decision making as well.

LIBRA: Sun transits your eleventh house. Expect gains and fulfillment of desires without much effort. Investments should also be good. Get out and about, hang out with friends, and meet new people. Focus on partnerships, relationships, joint ventures, and marriage. Get out and about, network, and meet new people. There may be some joint ventures connected with real estate and property. Mercury will be transiting your eleventh house of income, gains, friendships, and fulfillment of desires. Connect these areas with writing, business, and communications, but be careful to avoid losses and expenses when Mercury is close to your rising sign degree.

SCORPIO: Sun transits your tenth house. Expect success in your career. Ask for a raise or take on a leadership position in your workplace. Focus on your health and finances. Mercury will be transiting your tenth house. There can be income, gains, friendships, and fulfillment of desires connected with your career and professional life. Focus on writing, business, and communications. 

SAGITTARIUS: Sun transits your ninth house. This is a good placement for wealth, good luck, divine grace, and good fortune. The focus is on religion/spirituality, father, and long distance journeys of short duration.  Focus on your higher education, children, investments, and creative projects. Connect the same with property, mathematics, construction, executive roles, and engineering. There should be a lot of energy around your higher education, children, investments, and creative projects during this time. Mercury will be transiting your ninth house. There can be good luck and divine grace connected with writing, business, communications, as well as with your career and professional life.

CAPRICORN: Sun transits your eighth house. This is a good placement for windfalls, easy gains, inheritance, and the marital bond. The focus is on deep research, language, mystical and occult knowledge and ancient knowledge.  Mars is transiting your fourth house. Focus on your home life, fixed assets, parents, property, and vehicles. Spend some time organizing your home and cleaning out your car. Consider buying property or a new vehicle. Mercury will be transiting your eighth house. There can be some setbacks, delays, and obstructions regarding your fortune, father, religion, and long distance journeys of short duration. There can be some issues with the respiratory canal, skin, nervous tension and decision making as well.

AQUARIUS: Sun transits your seventh house. Focus on your partnerships, relationships, joint ventures, and marriage. Get out and about, network, and meet new people. Mars is transiting your third house. Focus on entrepreneurial activities, self efforts, and independent projects connected with sports, competition, executive positions, and leadership positions. Mercury will be transiting your seventh house. Connect partnerships, relationships, joint ventures, and marriage with writing, business, and communications. There can be some setbacks, vulnerability, and transformations relative to partnerships, relationships, joint ventures, and marriage when Mercury is close to your rising sign degree.

PISCES: Sun transits your sixth house. The focus is on your health and finances. There can be courage, financial strength, and endurance as well as support from the government and authority figures. Focus on your wealth, status, and continuation of family life. Connect the same with property, mathematics, construction, executive roles, sports, competition, leadership roles, and engineering. Mercury will be transiting your sixth house. There can be conflicts, debts, disputes, health and financial issues relative to your partnerships, relationships, joint ventures, and marriage. There can be some issues with the respiratory canal, skin, nervous tension and decision making as well.