Jupiter in Capricorn

To help Jupiter during this transit Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces rising sign natives can wear yellow clothing, a yellow sapphire gemstone, or the kavach. 


Taurus, Cancer, and Capricorn rising sign natives can help teachers on Thursdays and listen to chants for Ganesha on Thursdays. They should avoid wearing yellow. 


Below is information from Professor V.K. Choudhary’s website www.yournetastrologer.com




Where Jupiter is strong in the natal chart, it will bless the native with happiness in professional matters and indicates promotion/recognition but with some delay provided the person is running the good sub periods in his/her natal chart. The native will get new opportunities for acquiring new assets. The female natives are likely to be blessed with happiness in relationships. The students are likely to get new opportunities for learning or their professional development. Despite weakness, Jupiter will be helpful for maintaining good health.




Where Jupiter is strong in the natal chart and is unafflicting, it will bless the native’s father/husband with financial gains. It helps with maintaining good health and satisfactory finances. When afflicting it causes stress in relationships, reversals in business, stress for the younger siblings and stress for the children. It causes stress and strains to those studying in foreign lands.




Where Jupiter is strong in the natal chart it will bless the native with happiness in relationships, stay in foreign lands, new business opportunities and increased income but with a slow pace. The individual may encounter obstructions and delays. If natal Jupiter is weak, the happiness in relationships can face challenges when transit Jupiter, too, is further weak due to infancy or affliction. 




Where Jupiter is strong in the natal chart and is unafflicting it will bless the native with manageable health and finances. When afflicting in natal or transit it causes stress in relationships, reversals in business, stress for the younger siblings, stress for the children. It causes stress for income.




Jupiter in Capricorn does not augur well in matters of higher education, birth of children, emotions, additional financial gains and recognition. Things move at a low pace/with some delay. Health suffers and needs care. When weak it causes concerns for family, wealth, children and investments.




Where Jupiter is strong in the natal chart it will bless the native with some amount of happiness. It enhances general happiness with additional gains including new assets, mental peace and comforts of living but with some delay and obstructions. When weak there will be stress on domestic peace, assets and difficulties for the children.




Where Jupiter is strong in the natal chart it will bless the native with happiness through new assets and new business opportunities but with some delay. When weak one lacks resources to put one’s plans into action. New initiatives will not give expected returns.




Where Jupiter is strong in the natal chart the happiness and recognition may come with some delay. It helps the natives with promotion, recognition, happiness through relationships, parents and enhances social status to some extent. When weak one faces some amount of challenges and has to be satisfied with small units of happiness.




Where Jupiter is strong in the natal chart it brings promotion or recognition with delay. It blesses the natives with progeny and brings financial gains to father/husband. When weak one faces challenges and has to be satisfied with small units of happiness. It causes stress on health and takes one to spirituality.




In general, the person may find stress on account of the sources of income, friends, elder coborns and with the developments in the life of children. Where Jupiter is strong in the natal chart and is unafflicting, it will bless with some happiness to those who are living in foreign lands. When afflicting it causes stress in relationships and reversals in business, especially to those who are in foreign lands. It causes stress and strains to those studying in foreign lands.




While it takes some of your to foreign lands in connection with professional ventures it causes loss of income and expenses to those living in their own countries. When weak in transit it causes stress on income, education of children and health.




Where Jupiter is strong in the natal chart it may bring promotion/recognition in job but with some delay. More time may be spent in new business ventures and on the education of children. Relationships may be a little better if Mars is strong.