Horoscopes for the New Moon in Leo 2019

There will be 4 other planets (Sun, Mars, Mercury, and Venus) in the sign of Leo along with the Moon until August 31st. 


Note:  Sun, Mars and Mercury are closely conjunct.

Aries, Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces rising sign persons, companies and countries are likely under stress.

See the bottom of this page for information regarding how to strengthenthe planets that are favorable for your rising sign and how to propitiate/honor the planets that are unfavorable for your rising sign. 


The New Moon in Leo will be just the energy you’ve been needing to ignite your passions. You may be feeling anxious to get started on a new project. This new Moon will give you the bold and courageous attitude to take on that which you’ve been desiring. Take action and enjoy being in charge*

With Mars alongside Moon in Leo you may be feeling extra powerful and want to take on a leadership role. This will give you tremendous energy and make you want to be active. Just don’t let all this fire go to your emotions or your head. Allow yourself time to cool off and regroup before taking a leap**

With Sun alongside Moon and Mars in Leo you are being asked to do some soul searching. Give some deep thought to what kind of success and recognition you’d like to work towards***

With Mercury alongside Sun, Moon, and Mars in Leo this will give you a more practical or realistic approach to your goals****

With Venus alongside Sun, Moon, Mars, and Mercury in Leo there will be some added glamour and creativity to your endeavors*****
All of these planets at various times will be under the 9th aspect of Ketu (the Southern Node of the Moon encouraging us to keep our new projects less materialistic and more spiritual). Consider adding some spirituality to your life by doing the planetary remedies for Ketu for smoother sailing. You can donate to animal shelters for stray animals, donate to churches or holy organizations, meditate once or twice a day for 20 minutes at a time and listen to spiritual chants that make you feel grounded and fulfilled on a deeper level.

Moon is waning/waxing and transits Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and into Scorpio*

Mars transits Leo, from 12:51 to 17:19°.  This should be favorable for the military, police, surgeons, athletes, executives, firefighters and property matters. Mars is closely conjunct Mercury until September 8th. Aries, Libra and Aquarius rising sign persons, companies and countries are likely under stress. Mars is closely conjunct Sun until Sept. 15th. Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces rising sign persons, companies and countries are likely under stress**

Sun transits its own sign, Leo, 11:27 to 18:14°.  This should be favorable for leaders, physicians, administrators and governments. Sun is closely conjunct Mercury, until Sept. 9th. Aries, Libra and Aquarius rising sign persons, companies and countries are likely under stress. Sun is also closely conjunct Mars until Sept. 15th. Taurus, Virgo, and Scorpio rising sign persons, companies and countries are likely under stress***

Mercury transits Leo, from 05:38 to 19:18°. This connects stocks, business, finance, technology and communications with the government. Mercury is closely conjunct Sun until Sept. 10. Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces rising sign persons, companies and countries are likely under stress. Mercury is closely conjunct Mars until Sept. 8th. Taurus, Virgo, and Scorpio rising sign persons, companies and countries are likely under stress****

Venus transits Leo, from 15:34 to 24:15°. This connects women, luxuries, entertainment, and the fine, healing and performing arts — with the government*****


Want help finding your Vedic astrology rising sign? Just send me, Planetary Sara, an email with your full name, date of birth, place of birth and exact time of birth, and I will let you know your Vedic astrology rising sign (ascendant).


Read my introduction to Vedic astrology for some background on signs, terms and goals of the study.


Aries Rising

Focus on your higher education, children, investments, and creative projects. Do the remedies for Mercury to avoid conflicts, debts, disputes, and health issues.

Think big. Invest in property, the arts, gold or government bonds. Connect these, along with children and education, with partnerships. Be vigilant, however, to manage short-lived debts, disputes, health and legal issues with all of the above. Income and friendships remain vulnerable through Oct.

Taurus Rising

Focus on your home life, parents, property, vehicles, and fixed assets. Do the remedies for Venus and Mars to avoid conflicts, debts, disputes, health issues, losses, expenses, and separations.

Focus on property, vehicles, home life, children, education and investments. Be vigilant, however, to manage debts, disputes, expenses, separations and health issues with same. Work out of your home on business and communications. Be patient at work to manage setbacks and avoid accidents through Oct.

Gemini Rising

Focus on your entrepreneurial activities, self efforts, and independent projects. This transit is extremely favorable for you as all these planets are favorable and favorably placed.

Focus on independent, entrepreneurial ventures — connected with income, friendships, children, education, investments, property, vehicles, home life and spiritual pursuits. Work with large organizations. Be vigilant, however, with relationships to manage debts and disputes through Oct.

Cancer Rising

Focus on your wealth, status, and continuation of family life. This transit is extremely favorable for you as all these planets are favorable and favorably placed.

Focus on your status and family life. These, along with your career, property, vehicles, home life, and independent projects should do well through mid-Sept. Speak up on business, the arts and leadership. Be vigilant, however, to manage money and marriage — and to avoid accidents through Oct.

Leo Rising

Focus on your health, name, fame, reputation, and enterprises. Do the remedies for Moon to avoid losses, expenses, and separations.

Focus on yourself. Get a haircut, buy new clothes and consider a day spa. Writing, business, communications, long-distance journeys and independent projects are forefront and successful. Teach, publish and advise – working from home. Be vigilant with marriage and partnerships through Oct.

Virgo Rising

There can be losses, expenses, and separations. Focus on foreign lands, ashrams, and spirituality. Do the remedies for Sun and Mars and strengthenMoon, Mercury, and Venus to avoid losses, expenses, and separations.

Lay low and get extra rest. Consider ashrams, retreats, institutional life or long-distance ventures. Be patient with expenses, separations, marriage, windfalls or inheritance — and to avoid accidents. Teach, publish and advise. Be vigilant with debts, disputes, legal and health issues through Oct.

Libra Rising

Focus on your income, gains, friendships, and fulfillment of desires. Do the remedies for Mercury to avoid losses, expenses, and separations.

Focus on income and friendships. Gain from women, property, the arts, large organizations, writing, business, communications, partnerships and your own initiatives. Be patient with short-lived expenses and separations. Teach, publish, and advise.  Protect your children, education and investments through Oct.

Scorpio Rising

Focus on your career and professional life. Do the remedies for Mars and Venus to avoid conflicts, debts, disputes, health and financial issues, losses, expenses, and separations.

Take a leadership position at work and connect with authority figures and large organizations. Gain from writing, business, and communications. Be patient with short-lived debts, disputes, expenses and separations. Teach, publish and advise. Protect property, vehicles and home life through Oct.

Sagittarius Rising

Focus on your dharma (work in life), religion, and long distance journeys of short duration. Do the remedies for Moon to avoid issues with setbacks, delays obstructions, vulnerability, and transformations.

Expect good fortune connected with income, friendships, children, education, investments, spiritual pursuits, and your professional life. Be reclusive — and patient with entrepreneurial fluctuations, while managing your health, expenses, separations and reputation through Oct.

Capricorn Rising

There can be setbacks, delays, obstructions, vulnerability, and transformations. Focus on deep research, language, mystical and occult knowledge and ancient knowledge. Do the remedies for Sun and strengthen Moon, Mars, Mercury, and Venus to avoid setbacks, delays, obstructions, vulnerability, and transformations.

Lay low. Don’t take risks or chances. Focus on research and knowledge. Be patient with setbacks with work, property, vehicles and authority figures. You are vulnerable and going through transformations. Be vigilant to avoid accidents at work, home or with transportation. Protect your family life through Oct.

Aquarius Rising

Focus on your partnerships, relationships, joint ventures, and marriage. Do the remedies for Moon and Mercury to avoid conflicts, debts, disputes, health and financial issues, setbacks, delays, obstructions, vulnerability, and transformations.

Focus on relationships. Expect good fortune with marriage, joint ventures and entrepreneurial partnerships. Be patient, however, to manage short-lived setbacks and to avoid accidents with same. Teach, publish and advise in the workplace. Protect your health, appearance and reputation through Oct.

Pisces Rising

There can be conflicts, debts, disputes, and health issues. Focus on your health and finances. Do the remedies for Sun and Venus and strengthen Moon, Mars, and Mercury to avoid conflicts, debts, disputes, health and financial issues.

Lay low and avoid stress. Relationships are vulnerable to debts, disputes or health issues. Manage conflicts with money, marriage, or insurance matters. Be vigilant when speaking and with family life to avoid problems. Teach, publish and advise. Expenses and separations at work are likely through Oct.

Below is a list of ways to strengthen Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, and Venus if they are favorable planets for your chart. 

If they are not favorable then you should propitiate/honor them instead (see below). 


To strengthen Sun:


COLORS: Orange and Pink

GEMSTONES: Ruby/Red Spinel/Rhodolite Garnet


BENEFICIAL FOR: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius


UNFAVORABLE FOR: Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces


To strengthen Moon: 



GEMSTONES: Pearl/Moonstone


BENEFICIAL FOR: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces


UNFAVORABLE FOR: Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius


To strengthen Mars:




BENEFICIAL FOR: Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces


UNFAVORABLE FOR: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio


To strengthen Mercury:


COLORS: Dark green

GEMSTONES: Emerald/Green Tourmaline/Green Peridot


BENEFICIAL FOR: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces


UNFAVORABLE FOR: Aries, Libra, Aquarius


To strengthen Venus: 


COLORS: Royal Blue and Variegated Colors

GEMSTONES: Diamond/White Sapphire/White Topaz/White Zircon/Phenakite


BENEFICIAL FOR: Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius


UNFAVORABLE FOR: Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces

You can also wear the mystical pendant known as the kavach to strengthen all of the benefic planets at once.

Kavach Pendant


To propitiate Sun:


CHARITIES: Helping your father or father-in-law, or elderly men, and doing a yoga posture known as “Surya Namaskar” (Sunrise Salutations)

CHANTS: Lord Vishnu




BENEFICIAL FOR: Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces


To propitiate Moon: 


CHARITIES: Helping women who are like mothers

CHANTS: Lord Shiva




BENEFICIAL FOR: Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius


To propitiate Mars:


CHARITIES: Helping your brother(s) or men who are like brothers, exercising patience, and ten minutes of morning prayers.

CHANTS: Lord Hanuman




BENEFICIAL FOR: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio


To propitiate Mercury:


CHARITIES: Helping students/children (food, clothing, donations or tutoring.)

CHANTS: Goddess Durga




BENEFICIAL FOR: Aries, Libra, Aquarius


To propitiate Venus: 


CHARITIES: Helping women who are like sisters

CHANTS: Goddess Lakshmi




BENEFICIAL FOR: Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces


To propitiate Ketu:


CHARITIES: Donating to animal shelters, helping holy persons and organizations, helping the elderly

CHANTS: Lord Ganesha


BEST DAY TO PERFORM: Any Day of the Week or Thursdays



Sara Hawthorne is a Systems’ Approach Vedic Astrologer, Consultant, and Educator. She specializes in helping people with career, relationship, and health advice. Subscribe to Planetary Sara’s weekly newsletter HERE. Check out her Facebook Page HERE and Instagram Page HERE. All her services including life readings, yearly transit reports, and compatibility readings can be found HERE.