Astrology forecast (August 26th-September 10th): Mercury transits Leo

Mercury is weak in degrees until August 28th. This means it cannot protect or promote its significations. Be patient with stocks, business, computers, technology, communications and intellectual property.

Details regarding this transit can be found below, as per your rising sign. In order to determine your rising sign, you will need to know your exact time, place and date of birth.

Want help finding your Vedic astrology rising sign? Just send me, Planetary Sara, an email with your full name, date of birth, place of birth and exact time of birth, and I will let you know your Vedic astrology rising sign (ascendant).

Read my introduction to Vedic astrology for some background on signs, terms and goals of the study.


Mercury will be transiting your fifth house of higher education, children, investments, and creative projects. You can connect these areas with writing, business and communications as well as with fields of health and finance, but be careful to avoid conflicts, debts, disputes, health and financial issues relative to these areas when Mercury is close to your rising sign degree. 

Because Mercury rules your sixth house of conflicts, debts, disputes, health and financial issues, it can cause issues for you from time to time. As a remedy, it is better if you do not wear green clothing or emerald gemstones. Instead, you can listen to chants for Durga and help children and students on Wednesdays.


Mercury will be transiting your fourth house of home life, parents, property, vehicles, and fixed assets. Work out of your home on higher education, children, investments, creative projects, writing, business, and communications.

Because Mercury is considered a benefic planet for the Taurus rising sign it is safe and favorable for you to wear green clothing and an emerald gemstone and to keep green plants and furnishings at home and work to strengthen Mercury.


Mercury will be transiting your third house of entrepreneurial activities, independent projects, and self efforts. You can connect these areas with your home life, parents, property, vehicles, fixed assets, writing, business, and communications.

Because Mercury is considered a benefic planet for the Gemini rising sign, it is safe and favorable for you to wear green clothing and emerald gemstones and to keep green plants and furnishings at home and work to strengthen Mercury.


Mercury will be transiting your second house of wealth, status, and continuation of family life. You can have wealth and status connected with your entrepreneurial activities, independent projects, self efforts, the fine arts, performing arts, and healing arts.

Because Mercury is considered a benefic planet for the Cancer rising sign, it is safe and favorable for you to wear green clothing and emerald gemstones and to keep green plants and furnishings at home and work to strengthen Mercury.


Mercury will be transiting your first house of name, fame, reputation, and enterprises. You can have wealth and status during this time. Focus on writing, business, and communications.

Because Mercury is considered a benefic planet for the Leo rising sign, it is safe and favorable for you to wear green clothing and emerald gemstones and to keep green plants and furnishings at home and work to strengthen Mercury.


Mercury will be transiting your twelfth house of losses, expenses, and separations. This is not ideal and can connect you with losses, expenses, separations, isolation, insomnia, and lack of intimacy. Go inward and focus on spirituality, foreign lands, and ashrams. There can be some issues with the respiratory canal, skin, nervous tension and decision making as well.

Because Mercury is considered a benefic planet for the Virgo rising sign it is safe and favorable for you to wear green clothing and emerald gemstones and to keep green plants and furnishings at home and work to strengthen Mercury.


Mercury will be transiting your eleventh house of income, gains, friendships, and fulfillment of desires. Connect these areas with writing, business, and communications, but be careful to avoid losses and expenses when Mercury is close to your rising sign degree.

Because Mercury rules your twelfth house of losses and expenses, it can cause issues for you from time to time. As a remedy, it is better if you do not wear green clothing or emerald gemstones. Instead, you can listen to chants for Durga and help children and students on Wednesdays.


Mercury will be transiting your tenth house. There can be income, gains, friendships, and fulfillment of desires connected with your career and professional life. Focus on writing, business, and communications.

Because Mercury is considered a benefic planet for the Scorpio rising sign it is safe and favorable for you to wear green clothing and emerald gemstones and to keep green plants and furnishings at home and work to strengthen Mercury.


Mercury will be transiting your ninth house. There can be good luck and divine grace connected with writing, business, communications, as well as with your career and professional life.

Because Mercury is considered a benefic planet for the Sagittarius rising sign, it is safe and favorable for you to wear green clothing and emerald gemstones and to keep green plants and furnishings at home and work to strengthen Mercury.


Mercury will be transiting your eighth house. There can be some setbacks, delays, and obstructions regarding your fortune, father, religion, and long distance journeys of short duration. There can be some issues with the respiratory canal, skin, nervous tension and decision making as well.

Because Mercury is considered a benefic planet for the Capricorn rising sign, it is safe and favorable for you to wear green clothing and emerald gemstones and to keep green plants and furnishings at home and work to strengthen Mercury.


Mercury will be transiting your seventh house. Connect partnerships, relationships, joint ventures, and marriage with writing, business, and communications. There can be some setbacks, vulnerability, and transformations relative to partnerships, relationships, joint ventures, and marriage when Mercury is close to your rising sign degree.

Because Mercury rules your eighth house, it can cause issues for you from time to time. As a remedy, it is better if you do not wear green clothing or emerald gemstones. Instead, you can listen to chants for Durga and help children and students on Wednesdays.


Mercury will be transiting your sixth house. There can be conflicts, debts, disputes, health and financial issues relative to your partnerships, relationships, joint ventures, and marriage. There can be some issues with the respiratory canal, skin, nervous tension and decision making as well.

Because Mercury is considered a benefic planet for the Pisces rising sign, it is safe and favorable for you to wear green clothing and emerald gemstones and to keep green plants and furnishings at home and work to strengthen Mercury.


Sara Hawthorne is a Systems’ Approach Vedic Astrologer, Consultant, and Educator. She specializes in helping people with career, relationship, and health advice. Subscribe to Planetary Sara’s weekly newsletter HERE. Check out her Facebook Page HERE and Instagram Page HERE. All her services including life readings, yearly transit reports, and compatibility readings can be found HERE.