According to Vedic astrology and the Sidereal Zodiac (which is 23 degrees earlier than the Tropical Zodiac used by Western astrologers, from September 24th, 2022-October 18th, 2022. Venus will transit its debilitation sign of Virgo. Planets in their debilitation sign are weak and cannot protect or promote their significations.
Venus is also weak in degrees until September 28th, 2022 and then again from October 14th-October 22nd. Be patient with women, luxuries, entertainment, all forms of transportation, and the fine, healing, and performing arts.
In order to know your particular rising sign you need to know your exact time, place, and date of birth.
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Below is some general information regarding what to expect based on your particular rising sign.
Aries: Venus will be badly placed which indicates some conflicts in partnerships, relationships, joint ventures, and marriage. Be patient with the women in your life and be careful with all forms of transportation. For best support, strengthen Venus with a diamond gemstone, lots of royal blue clothing and decor in your home or consider the mystical pendant, known as the Kavach.
Taurus: Venus is considered well placed but weak due to debilitation. Watch out for conflicts, debts, disputes, health and financial issues connected to your higher education, children, investments, and creative projects when Venus is close to your rising sign degree. You can propitiate and honor Venus by listening to chants for Goddess Lakshmi from time to time and helping women who are like sisters on Fridays. Avoid wearing diamonds or royal blue, pastel purple and blue rainbow colors.
Gemini: Venus is considered well placed but weak due to debilitation. This can hinder emotional connections and give losses in investments. Spend time beautifying your home or work space. For more support, strengthen Venus with a diamond gemstone, lots of royal blue clothing and decor in your home or consider the mystical pendant, known as the Kavach.
Cancer: Venus will be well placed but weak due to debilitation. There may be less support from your family. Work hard and maintain as much stability as you can. For more support you can strengthen Venus with a diamond gemstone, lots of royal blue clothing and decor in your home or consider the mystical pendant, known as the Kavach.
Leo: Venus will be well placed but weak due to debilitation. This can make it harder for you to tap into that endurance and perseverance. Focus on your initiatives and don’t get lazy if delays or hurdles pop up. Get organized and try to stick to a good schedule. Strengthen Venus with a diamond gemstone, lots of royal blue clothing and decor in your home or consider the mystical pendant, known as the Kavach.
Virgo: Venus will be well placed but weak due to debilitation. You may feel as if you’re not getting full recognition for your abilities. Focus on your wealth, status, and family life, but don’t expect too much. Strengthen Venus with a diamond gemstone, lots of royal blue clothing and decor in your home or consider the mystical pendant, known as the Kavach.
Libra: Venus will be badly placed which indicates losses and expense relative to your health and enterprises. Be patient with the women in your life and be careful with all forms of transportation. Strengthen Venus with a diamond gemstone, lots of royal blue clothing and decor in your home or consider the mystical pendant, known as the Kavach.
Scorpio: Venus is well placed but weak due to debilitation. There can be losses, expenses, and separations regarding your income, gains, friendships, fulfillment of desires and older siblings when Venus is close to your rising sign degree. You can propitiate and honor Venus by listening to chants for Goddess Lakshmi from time to time and helping women who are like sisters on Fridays. Avoid wearing diamonds or royal blue, pastel purple and blue rainbow colors.
Sagittarius: Venus is well placed but weak due to debilitation. This indicates slugging income and you may have less support from friends and siblings. For more support, strengthen Venus with a diamond gemstone, lots of royal blue clothing and decor in your home or consider the mystical pendant, known as the Kavach.
Capricorn: Venus is well placed but weak due to debilitation. You might be feeling a bit stuck in your ways and there may be some delays relative to opportunities. Connect your work in life with the fine arts, performing arts, and healing arts. For best support strengthen Venus with a diamond gemstone, lots of royal blue clothing and decor in your home or consider the mystical pendant, known as the Kavach.
Aquarius: Venus is badly placed which indicates issues for father, religion, and setbacks regarding long distance ventures of short duration. Be patient with the women in your life and be careful with all forms of transportation. For best support strengthen Venus with a diamond gemstone, lots of royal blue clothing and decor in your home or consider the mystical pendant, known as the Kavach.
Pisces: Venus is well placed but weak due to debilitation. Watch out for setbacks, delays, obstructions, accidents, vulnerability and transformations in your relationships when Venus is close to your rising sign degree. You can propitiate and honor Venus by listening to chants for Goddess Lakshmi from time to time and helping women who are like sisters on Fridays. Avoid wearing diamonds or royal blue, pastel purple and blue rainbow colors.
Sara Hawthorne is a Systems’ Approach Vedic Astrologer, Consultant, and Educator. She specializes in helping people with career, relationship, and health advice. Subscribe to Planetary Sara’s weekly newsletter HERE. Check out her Facebook Page HERE and Instagram Page HERE. All her services including life readings, yearly transit reports, and compatibility readings can be found HERE.