Planetary Transits for June 6 – June 12

Notes: Sun and Jupiter are in a mutual aspect; Mars is closely conjunct Rahu and in a mutual aspect with Saturn; Mercury and Venus are in their own signs; Rahu and Ketu are stationary.  Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces rising sign persons, companies and countries (including USA) are likely under stress.

The conjunction of Saturn and Ketu (April 5 — October 18) indicates serious issues worldwide.

Recent Headlines:

  • Sightseeing Boat Sinks in Hungary, 7 dead, 19 missing
  • Tornadoes Cause Trouble in US 14 days in a Row
  • Historic Flooding Breaches Levees, Numerous Towns Devastated
  • Dow Jones Caps Sixth Straight Losing Week
  • FBI Reports Significant Rise in White Supremacist Domestic Terrorism
  • 12 Dead in Virginia Beach Mass Shooting, Deadliest Massacre in US this Year
  • 4 Killed in Mass Shooting in Northern Australia
  • Russia Intercepts US Aircraft Over Mediterranean Sea

Where the Vedic Astrology Planets are this Week

Note:  Sun and Jupiter are in a mutual aspect; Moon is waxing; Mars is closely conjunct Rahu and in a mutual aspect with Saturn; Mercury and Venus are in their own signs; Rahu and Ketu are stationary. This gives highs and lows, worldwide.  Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces rising sign persons, companies and countries (including USA) are likely under stress.

  • Sun transits Taurus, from 21:06 to 27:48 °. Sun is under the 7th aspect of Jupiter until June 14th. Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn rising sign persons, companies and countries (including USA) are likely under stress.
  • Moon is waxing and transits Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and into Libra.
  • Mars transits Gemini, from 19:26 to 23:54°.   Mars is closely conjunct the northern node of the Moon, Rahu, (a mathematical ecliptic point in the zodiac) until June 20th.  This is absolutely NOT ideal for the military, police, athletes, executives, firefighters and buying property. Mars is under the 7th aspect of Saturn until Jun 21st. Cancer, Virgo and Pisces rising sign persons, companies and countries (including USA) are likely under stress.
  • Mercury transits its own sign, Gemini, from 08:23 to 19:56 °. This is a good situation for Mercury and may represent an improvement with stocks, business, computers, finances, technology, communications and intellectual property.
  • Jupiter transits Scorpio, from 25:59 to 25:01 °. Jupiter is under the 7th aspect of Sun until June 14th. Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces rising sign persons, companies and countries are likely under stress.
  • Venus transits Taurus, from 02:23 to 10:55°. Venus is outside the orb of influence of other planets. This should be favorable for women, romance, luxuries, vehicles, medicine, legal matters, finance, entertainment, and the fine, healing and performing arts.
  • Saturn transits Sagittarius, from 25:20 to 24:55°. This connects law, religion and education with the elderly, the poor and needy, immigrants, agriculture, manufacturing and working-class persons. Saturn is under the 7thaspect of Mars, until June 21st. Taurus, Virgo, and Scorpio rising sign persons, companies and countries are likely under stress. Saturn is retrograde until Sept. 18th and is closely conjunct Ketu for 28 weeks — April 5th to October 18th.

This rare and slow-moving transit is likely to cause serious problems worldwide – for immigrants, the poor and needy, working-class persons, the elderly, agriculture, manufacturing, things of the earth, (including climate change and weather-related catastrophes), healthcare, economic resources, the oil and gas industries and world peace.

  • Rahu and Ketu transit Gemini and Sagittarius, respectively, from 23:45 to 23:44°. Rahu and Ketu are now “stationary” in the 23-degree range June 2 – August 18. This indicates significant stress for those persons with planets in “odd” signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius) between 22 to 24 degrees – or whenever Rahu or Ketu are within 5 degrees of a person’s rising sign degree (in any house), or any planet (by aspect or conjunction).

The Impact of the Transit Planets for each “Rising Sign” (not “Sun Sign”)

  • Aries: Focus on your own initiatives, but don’t take risks and chances. Expect progress with women, children, education and investments.  Speak up as an authority figure. Expect a lift with joint ventures. Enjoy the fine, healing and performing arts. Take care of income and friendships through mid-Oct.
  • Taurus:  Expect a lift with children, education and investments. Focus on writing, business, finances, and leadership. Manage expenses and separations. Setbacks or accidents at home or with vehicles are possible. Be careful with debts, disputes and health issues. Be patient at work through mid-Oct.
  • Gemini: Wrap up long-distance ventures. Be patient with losses and authority figures. Make decisions, but expect the unexpected with income and friendships. Expenses or separations with women, children, education and investments are likely. Be vigilant with relationships through mid-Oct.
  • Cancer:  Gain from women, creativity, property, vehicles, authority figures and large organizations. Connect your career with long-distance ventures, but be patient with expenses and separations. Be vigilant when speaking to avoid conflict and at work to manage sudden issues. Exercise patience through mid-Oct.
  • Leo: Take a leadership position at work and focus on women, creativity, and independent projects. Gain from writing, business, and communications. Be vigilant with travel, father, and religious figures; these are vulnerable to sudden issues. Remain vigilant with joint ventures through mid-Oct.
  • Virgo:  Connect your career with writing, research, business, language, technology and communications. Be vigilant at work to manage setbacks and to avoid accidents. Be patient with expenses and separations with property, vehicles and home life. Take spiritual advice from the women in your life.
  • Libra: Focus on research, language, and mystical sciences. There may be a marriage, windfall, insurance settlement, or lottery winning. Be vigilant with relationships and father/religious figures. These are vulnerable to sudden issues. Protect your children, education and investments through mid-Oct.
  • Scorpio: Connect work with joint ventures and long-distance places, but be patient with expenses and separations. Be vigilant with debts, disputes, legal and health issues; these are vulnerable to serious issues. Income and friendships are subject to setbacks. Property, vehicles and home life are vulnerable through mid-Oct.
  • Sagittarius: Connect work with joint ventures and long-distance places. Protect your children, education, property and investments. There are vulnerable to serious issues. Income, friendships, father and religious figures are subject to debts, disputes, or health issues. Be reclusive through mid-Oct.
  • Capricorn: Connect work with children, education and investments, but be vigilant to manage delays, setbacks, expenses, separations, or accidents with same. Property, vehicles and home life are subject to serious issues. Lay low, take cover and expect less. Exercise patience through mid-Oct.
  • Aquarius: Connect joint ventures and long-distance places with property, vehicles, and home life. Redecorate your living quarters. Be vigilant with children, education, investments and your own initiatives. These are vulnerable to setbacks and accidents. Protect your health and reputation through mid-Oct.
  • Pisces: Be vigilant at work to manage debts, disputes, legal and health issues. Focus on independent projects, but be patient with setbacks. Connect relationships with property, vehicles and home life. Be vigilant when speaking and with your status; these are subject to serious issues. Exercise patience at work through mid-Oct.

About the Author: David Hawthorne