Planetary Transits December 26 – January 1

Astroview Weekly Column

Planetary Transits December 26 – January 1

(Interpretations based on the Systemsʻ Approach to Vedic Astrology)

Happy New Year

May this be a wonderful year for you and your family for health, happiness and prosperity

(Positive) Notes:  Jupiter has regained strength in a favorable sign, Aquarius, after having spent much of the time in its debilitation sign, Capricorn, off and on since April 2020.

This may signal an improvement in national and significant matters of the law –that have long struggled in court cases and judicial matters.

Additionally, Rahu and Ketu are now leaving the 7-degree range stationary position where they have been since Oct. 19th. Give them a few more weeks to pick up some motion and then may see some nice relief worldwide.

Sun transits Sagittarius, from 10:30 to 17:38°. This connects presidents, leaders, physicians, administrators and governments with law, religion, and education.

Moon is waning and transits Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and into Sagittarius.

Mars transits Scorpio, from 14:51 to 19:49°. Mars is outside the orb of influence of other planets and is in good strength.  This should be favorable for the military, police, dentists, surgeons, athletes, builders, executives, architects, firefighters and property matters.

Mercury transits out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn, December 29th. Mercury is weak in degrees until January 1st.  Be patient with stocks, writing, business, brokering, finance, technology, communications and intellectual property.

Astrological Forecast: Mercury Transits Capricorn

Jupiter transits Aquarius, from 05:17 to 06:37°. Jupiter is strong in degrees.  This should be favorable for with law, banking, religion, education, teaching, publishing and advisory roles. Jupiter is now in Aquarius until April 13th.

Venus is in retrograde motion and transits out of Capricorn and back into Sagittarius, December 29th.  Venus is weak in degrees until January 8th. Be patient with the women in your life and with medicine, luxuries, entertainment, transportation and the fine, healing and performing arts.

Astrology Forecast: Venus Transits Sagittarius

Venus is retrograde until January 29th. Retrograde planets only have adverse effects for the rising signs where they are functional malefic planets – and only when they are within five degrees of the rising sign degree or another planet by aspect or conjunction. In this case Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces rising signs may be vulnerable from time to time.

Saturn transits its own sign, Capricorn, from 17:07 to 17:52°. Saturn is in good strength and outside the orb of influence of other planets. This should be favorable for the masses, the elderly, immigrants and working-class persons – along with manufacturing, agriculture and the oil, gas and minerals industries.

Rahu and Ketu transit their exaltation signs, Taurus and Scorpio, respectively, from 07:00 to 06:37° — and are now leaving the 7-degree range stationary position where they have been since Oct. 19th. Give them one more month to pick up some motion and then we should see some relief.

However, people, companies and countries with a rising sign between 4 to 10 degrees — or with any planets in even signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces) also in these degrees, should be careful and patient. (Including USA.)

The Impact of the Transit Planets for each “Rising Sign” (not “Sun Sign”)

Aries:  Focus on research, language, meditation and/or the Vedic sciences. Be patient with setbacks — and to avoid accidents. There may be a marriage, windfall, inheritance or lottery winning. Expect good fortune with you children, education and investments. Be patient with relationships and connect these with your career and/or long-distance places. Enjoy income and friendships at work through March. Teach, publish, consult and advise.

Taurus: Be patient for a few days with children, education and investments and then expect a lift. Property, vehicles and home life may be vulnerable to setbacks – or a windfall. Connect joint ventures with retreats, institutions, or foreign lands. Relationships may be subject to expenses and separations. Be careful with debts, disputes, health or legal issues through February. Teach, publish, and advise through March. Consider law, banking, religion, children and education.

Gemini: Connect independent projects and entrepreneurial ventures with partnerships, joint ventures or foreign lands through mid-Jan. Let your partner take a leadership position. Be patient with income and friendships through Jan. 16th. There may be some relief in a few days with pets, children, education and investments. Be patient with property, vehicles, fixed assets and home life through early March. There may be both setbacks and good fortune with father figures, relationships and long-distance ventures through March.

Cancer: Be patient for a few days with communications and independent projects — and then expect a lift.  Be vigilant, however, with your wealth, status, speech, family life, and authority figures through Jan. 13th. These may be vulnerable to debts and disputes. Connect your career with pets, children, education and investments until Jan. 16th.  Be careful to manage debts, disputes, health or legal issues – associated with joint ventures or foreign lands, through March. There is a possibility of a marriage, windfall, lottery winning or inheritance before May.

Leo: Be vigilant for a few days with communications and entrepreneurial ventures and then expect a lift.  Continue to focus on your pets, children, education and investments through Jan. 13th.  Consider gold or government bonds. Expect good fortune with property, vehicles and home life through Jan. 15th. Connect creative projects with partnerships, joint ventures and foreign lands through March. Be careful to manage debts, disputes, health or legal issues. Expect highs and lows relative to travel, good fortune and spirituality.

Virgo: Spend a few more days on home life — and then shift your focus to your pets, children, education and investments. Be patient with expenses and separations through Jan. 13th.  Turn your house into a palace and add art, music, beauty and luxuries. Continue to be patient with setbacks with communications and entrepreneurial ventures through Jan. 16th.  Make sure property, vehicles and fixed assets are properly documented to manage any debts, disputes or legal issues through March.

Libra: Spend a few more days on property, vehicles and home life and then shift your focus to entrepreneurial ventures. There may be gains, income and friendships connected with these through Jan. 13th. You can work on independent projects with writing, business, technology and communications. Work out of your home and connect writing, teaching, consulting, publishing and entrepreneurial ventures with education, children, investments, and creative projects through March.

Scorpio: Be patient for a few days with expenses and separations with income and friendships. Continue to speak up as an authority figure and in a leadership position at work through Jan. 13th.  Be vigilant, however, to manage debts, disputes, health or legal issues through Jan. 16th. Focus on property matters, competition and your organizing skills. Work out of your home on independent and entrepreneurial ventures and expect a lift with property, vehicles, fixed assets and home life through March.

Sagittarius: Take a royal, fatherly, leadership position through Jan. 13th.  Divine grace may be with you and in your professional life. Continue to work on writing, technology, communications and intellectual property. Income and friendships remain nearby. Connect children, education and investments with retreats, institutions or long-distance places, but be patient with expenses and separations through Jan. 16th.  Entrepreneurial activities — connected with teaching, publishing and advisory roles contribute to your wealth, status and family life through March.

Capricorn: Take care of father/religious figures for a few more days and then expect improvement. Be careful with windfalls, inheritance, or the marital bond – and to avoid accidents through Jan. 13th. On the other hand, expect gains, income and friendships associated with property, vehicles and home life through Jan. 16th.  There may be relocation, or international ventures, along with losses, expenses or separations connected with your career through Feb.  Focus on your wealth, status, and family life – and teach, publish and advise through March.

Aquarius: Take care of father/religious figures for a few days. These may be vulnerable to setbacks, expenses, accidents or separations. Expect gains, income and friendships connected with marriage, partnerships and joint ventures through Jan. 13th. Connect your career with independent projects and entrepreneurial activities through Jan. 16th.  Focus on property matters and your organizing skills in the workplace. Earn from teaching, publishing and advisory roles – associated with law, banking, religion, education, and consulting – through March.

Pisces: Be patient for few days with partnerships and joint ventures. These may be vulnerable to setbacks and/or accidents. Be vigilant with your career to manage debts, disputes, health or legal issues through Jan. 13th. Connect with authority figures in the workplace. Expect gains from writing, business, technology and communications through Feb. Connect your career with foreign lands, ashrams, or spiritual journeys through March. Be patient with expenses or separations with these same significations. For the most part, however, there is some protection for your wealth, status and family life through March.

Note: Planetary remedies add a protective covering to life. Strengthen your favorable planets (with color and gemstone therapy and/or the mystical pendant known as the kavach: ( and do “Bhoota” and “Deva” “Yagyas” (charities and chants) for the planets that cause adverse effects in your horoscope.

(Revisited) Quotes of the Week:

“There WAS something formless and perfect before the universe was born. It IS serene, empty, solitary, unchanging, infinite, eternally present. It is the Mother of the Universe. For lack of a better name, I call it the Tao.” – the Tao Te Ching

“It is not only that which was there before the world came into being — it is that which continues to be there timelessly at the core of your Being. That which was there before the Big Bang is still present in you. The unmanifested one Life, one Consciousness. It is the essence of who you are.” – Eckhart Tolle

Awakening Video of the Week:

Eckhart Tolle speaking on the Tao Te Ching

(Maybe just watch this video in 10 to 20 minute increments to go deeply into the experience. You can also click on “skip” when the commercials pop up.)

Audio File of the Week:

“Outwitting the Stars”