Venus will transit the sign of Capricorn from December 15th, 2019 until January 8th, 2020.
The following information provides an overview of the impact of Venus in Capricorn for each rising sign (as per Vedic Astrology), and is not based on the Sun sign as used in Western Astrology.
Additional information can be provided by overlaying the transits of the planets on your individual horoscope.
If you do not know your Vedic astrology rising sign, just send me — Planetary Sara — an email with your full name, date of birth, place of birth and exact time of birth, and I will let you know your Vedic astrology rising sign, Sun sign and Moon sign. I will also let you know what colors/gemstones are good to wear for your chart.
Read my introduction to Vedic astrology for some background on signs, terms and goals of the study.
Aries: Venus will be transiting your tenth house of career and professional life. This connects your partnerships, relationships, joint ventures, and marriage with career and professional life. Connect your career and professional life with women, the fine arts, performing arts, healing arts, medicine, luxuries and entertainment. It is safe and favorable for you to wear royal blue clothing and a diamond gemstone.
Taurus: Venus will be transiting your ninth house. This connects your health and finances with good luck, divine grace, and good fortune. Connect your dharma (work in life) with women, the fine arts, performing arts, healing arts, medicine, luxuries and entertainment. Watch out for conflicts, debts, disputes, and health issues (when Venus is close to your rising sign degree). Seek spiritual advice from women. Help women who are like sisters on Fridays, listen to chants or music for Lakshmi and pamper yourself on Fridays from time to time.
Gemini: Venus will be transiting your eighth house of setbacks, delays, and obstacles. Focus on connecting your higher education, children, investments, and creative projects with deep research, language, mystical and occult knowledge, and ancient knowledge as well as with the fine arts, performing arts, and healing arts. Watch out for setbacks, delays, and obstacles relative to the same. Consider eating healthy foods that help support your kidneys, pancreas and reproductive organs and try to stay off sugar. Be careful with all forms of transportation. Wear royal blue clothing and a diamond.
Cancer: Venus will be transiting your seventh house of partnerships, relationships, joint ventures and marriage. You can have happiness at home, fixed assets, property, and vehicles through your partnerships, relationships, joint ventures, and marriage during this time. Enjoy romance in your relationship or marriage. It is safe and favorable for you to wear royal blue clothing and a diamond gemstone.
Leo: Venus will be transiting your sixth house of health and finances. Spend some time focusing on your entrepreneurial activities and independent projects. Watch out for some conflicts, debts, and disputes relative to the same. Consider eating healthy foods that help support your kidneys, pancreas and reproductive organs and try to stay off sugar. Be careful with all forms of transportation. It is safe and favorable for you to wear royal blue clothing and a diamond gemstone.
Virgo: Venus will be transiting your fifth house of higher education, children, investments and creative projects. Venus rules your second house of wealth, status, and continuation of family life. Connect these above mentioned areas with the fine arts, performing arts, and healing arts. Consider taking a class on photography, music, or cooking. It is safe and favorable for you to wear royal blue clothing and a diamond gemstone.
Libra: Venus ruling your first house of self, personality, and appearance will be transiting your fourth house of parents, property, vehicles, fixed assets, home life and domestic peace. Spend some time beautifying your home and consider a new car or updating modes of transportation. Work out of your home on the fine arts, performing arts, or healing arts. It is safe and favorable for you to wear royal blue clothing and a diamond gemstone.
Scorpio: Venus will be transiting your third house of entrepreneurial success and independent projects. Connect these with women, romance, the fine arts, performing arts and healing arts, luxuries, medicine and entertainment. Watch out for losses, expenses, and separations connected with the same (when Venus is close to your rising sign). It is not safe or favorable for you to wear royal blue or a diamond gemstone. You can help women who are like sisters on Fridays, listen to chants or music for Lakshmi and pamper yourself on Fridays from time to time.
Sagittarius: Venus ruling your eleventh house of income, gains, friendships, and fulfillment of desires will be transiting your second house. Focus on your income, gains, friendships and fulfillment of desires connected with wealth, status, and continuation of family life. Connect your wealth, status, and continuation of family life with women, romance, the fine arts, performing arts, and healing arts, luxuries, medicine and entertainment. It is safe and favorable for you to wear royal blue clothing and a diamond gemstone.
Capricorn: Venus ruling your tenth house of career and professional life will be transiting your first house of self, health, appearance and personality. Get a new haircut, buy some new clothing, or spend some time pampering yourself. Focus on your career and professional life. This is a good placement for career, women, romance, friendships, and luxuries. It is safe and favorable for you to wear royal blue clothing and a diamond gemstone.
Aquarius: Venus will be transiting your twelfth house of foreign lands, ashrams, spiritual journeys and enlightenment. Going inward and focusing on connecting your dharma (work in life) with spirituality would be favorable. Watch out for losses and expenses relative to your dharma (work in life), father, religion, and long journeys of short duration. Take care of the women in your life and be careful with all forms of transportation. Consider eating healthy and stay away from sugar. It is safe and favorable for you to wear royal blue clothing and a diamond gemstone.
Pisces: Venus will be transiting your eleventh house of income, gains, friendships and fulfillment of desires. Connect your income, gains, friendships, and fulfillment of desires with the fine arts, performing arts, healing arts, medicine, luxuries and entertainment as well as with deep research, language, mystical and occult knowledge. There can be windfalls, easy gains, or inheritance connected with your income, gains, friendships, and fulfillment of desires. Watch out for setbacks, delays, obstacles, and vulnerability relative to the same (when Venus is close to your rising sign). It is not safe or favorable for you to wear royal blue or a diamond gemstone. You can help women who are like sisters on Fridays, listen to chants or music for Lakshmi and pamper yourself on Fridays from time to time.
Sara Hawthorne is a Systems’ Approach Vedic Astrologer, Consultant, and Educator. She specializes in helping people with career, relationship, and health advice. Subscribe to Planetary Sara’s weekly newsletter HERE. Email her HERE. Check out her Facebook Page HERE. and Instagram Page HERE. All her services including life readings, yearly transit reports, and compatibility readings can be found HERE.