Venus, also known as Shukra, is a minister in the planetary Cabinet. Venus is personified as a preceptor, and a lover. When Venus is strong in the birth chart of a person, the person will benefit from affluence, pleasures, luxury, beauty, harmony, creativity, love, clarity, balance, and sensuality. A strong and unafflicted Venus in the birth chart indicates an inclination towards the fine arts, performing arts, healing arts, fashion, singing, painting, photography, and all things beautiful.
When Venus is less strong in a person’s chart, it could have an effect on those areas of life, and make them less enjoyable. One easy fix to help Venus blossom in your health for example, could simply be to cut out sugar, so your organs stay healthy. When you study your specific Venus in your own chart, you’ll gain insight into what Venus signifies for you personally, and then make the necessary adjustments.
Venus is also the general significator for wife in a man’s chart. Depending on its strength, Venus can provide one with a happy married life. This is why it’s good to know your and your significant other’s Venus before rushing into a relationship or marriage. That way you can apply the two fold planetary remedies to strengthen a potentially weak Venus (if Venus is a functional benefic planet) or to propitiate or honor Venus (if it is a functional malefic planet).
Venus has long been associated with the diamond. Starting in the last century, women often receive a diamond ring when they get engaged. There again, however, a different stone might be better for women with certain rising signs. The reason for this is: Every rising sign has a set of planets known as functional malefic planets or functional benefic planets. The functional benefic planets will never cause harm in a person’s life and should be strengthened for even better results. However, the functional malefic planets cause adverse effects and need to be propitiated or honored for smoother sailing in life.
Other than having an experienced Astrologer read what the effects of Venus are specifically for you, and then design specific remedies for you, there are a few things you can do to strengthen your Venus. And heck, those are fun things to do: You can nurture and nourish your Venus by taking time each week (particularly on Fridays) to treat yourself to a play, concert or movie, you can learn to sing and/or dance, cook a delicious meal, buy that flattering dress, or go out to dinner. Or you can strengthen Venus by listening to chants for Goddess Lakshmi, helping women who are like sisters, spending time beautifying your home (I suggest buying roses on Fridays), and pampering yourself with some extra “me” time!
With these simple remedies we can all feel a little more like the Goddess we are!