Note: In the horoscope for the USA, transit 6th house ruler of debts, disputes, and health issues, Jupiter, is closely conjunct the 4th house ruler of property and domestic peace, Venus, through the election. Mars, ruling the 10th house of the national workforce, is under the influence of Ketu – also through the national election. Additionally, transit Ketu afflicts natal Saturn, ruling the eighth house of setbacks, vulnerability, transformations and deathlike experiences through the inauguration. Taken together, it appears that the country remains in a high-state of stress for quite some time. Take care of your family, exercise a great deal of care and patience, and focus on your religious/spiritual practices.
Where the Vedic Astrology Planets are this Week
Sun transits Virgo, from 21:13 to 28:11°. This connects leaders, physicians, administrators and governments with stocks, business, finance, technology, communications, health care and intellectual property.
Moon is waning and transits Gemini, Cancer, Leo, and into Virgo.
Mars transits Pisces from 28:46 to 26:31°. CDT. Mars is under the close 5th aspect of Ketu, until Oct. 24th (with the most difficult time being Oct. 4 – 20). This is a vulnerable time for sports, surgeons, the military, police, property, construction, engineering, executives, et al. (President Trumpʻs physicians, Secret Service personnel, and top Pentagon military officers are under stress.)
Mars is in retrograde motion until November 13th. The adverse effects are primarily for Taurus, Virgo, and Scorpio horoscopes – but only when Mars is within 5 degrees of the rising sign degree (in any house) or another planet by aspect or conjunction.
Mercury transits Libra, from 15:41 to 17:26°. Mercury is outside the orb of influence of other planets. This connects stocks, business, writing, finance, technology, communications, and intellectual property with women* and the fine, healing and performing arts. *President Trump Nominates a Woman to the Supreme Court.
Jupiter transits its own sign, Sagittarius, from 24:16 to 24:53°. Jupiter is outside the orb of influence of other planets and is in good strength. This should be helpful for law, religion, education, publishing, teaching, and consulting.
Venus transits Leo, from 12:06 to 20:27°. Venus is in good strength and is outside the orb of other planets. This should be favorable for law, women, luxuries, medicine, entertainment, and the fine, healing and performing arts.
Saturn transits its own sign, Capricorn, from 01:15 to 01:24°. Cancer, Virgo and Pisces rising sign persons, companies, and countries (including USA) should be careful and patient when Saturn is close to any of their planets or rising sign degree, by aspect or conjunction.
Rahu and Ketu transit Taurus and Scorpio, respectively, (where they will be until March 16, 2022) from 28:04 to 27:39°. Persons, companies and countries with a rising sign between 29 and 26 degrees — or any planets in even signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces) between 29 and 26 degrees, should exercise care and patience.
The Impact of the Transit Planets for each “Rising Sign” (not “Sun Sign”)
Aries: Lay low, get extra rest and focus on your spiritual practices through Oct. 24th. Be patient with losses, expenses, separations, delays and obstructions. Take care of your pets, children, education and investments, these are vulnerable to debts, disputes or health issues. Consider a retreat, ashram, cruise, relocation, or foreign travel Oct. 3 – Dec. 23. Divine grace is with you through mid-Nov.
Taurus: Be patient with losses, expenses, separations, insomnia, intimacy, retreats and foreign lands through Oct. 24th. Take care of your pets, children, education, investments, property and home life. These are vulnerable to debts, disputes or health issues. Expect less with income and friendships. There may be a windfall, marriage, inheritance, or legal/insurance settlement before mid-Nov.
Gemini: Be vigilant with income and friendships through Oct. 24th. These are connected with work – but vulnerable to debts, disputes, health or legal issues. Spend another week on royal upgrades for your car and home — and work out of your home on independent projects involving women, luxuries, and the arts. Focus on marriage, partnerships and joint ventures through mid-Nov.
Cancer: Be patient in the workplace to manage setbacks through Oct. 24th. Some level of good fortune is with you during this time. Take a leadership position with communications and independent projects. Work out of your home on writing, business, and technology. Enjoy status connected with women, luxuries, and the fine, healing and performing arts. Use your melodic voice.
Leo: Take care of father and spiritual figures through Oct. 24th. These are vulnerable to accidents or health issues and go through transformations. Speak up as an authority and work on independent projects in writing, business and communications. Buy new clothes, and focus on the fine, healing or performing arts. Your children, education and investments should do well through mid-Nov.
Virgo: Be vigilant to manage setbacks, marriage, windfalls, inheritance, and legal/insurance settlements, and to avoid accidents through Oct. 24th. Take a leadership position, involving business, technology and communications. Retreats, institutions or foreign lands are forefront. Expenses or separations with your status and family are likely for two weeks. Enjoy property, vehicles, and home life through mid-Nov. Relationships may be vulnerable through Dec. 23rd.
Libra: Be patient with losses, expenses and separations with income and friendships. Take care with partnerships through Oct. 24th. These are vulnerable to debts, disputes, health or legal issues. Work on independent projects (teach, publish and advise) through mid-Nov. Consider a retreat or foreign land and work on writing, busines, technology and communications through late Nov. Take care of relationships through Dec. 23rd.
Scorpio: Take care with debts, disputes, health or legal issues through Oct. 24th. Connect work with women, luxuries, ashrams, foreign lands, or the fine, healing or performing arts. Teach, publish and advise through mid-Nov. Be patient with income, friendships and your professional life. These are vulnerable to expenses and separations through late Nov. There may be periods of stress with your children, education and investments through Dec. 23rd.
Sagittarius: Continue to lead at work. Gain from writing, business, technology and intellectual property. On the other hand, take care of your pets, children, education and investments through Oct. 24th. These are vulnerable to losses, expenses, separations, etc. Seek spiritual advice from the women in your life. Focus on spiritual practices at home life through Dec. 23rd.
Capricorn: Connect work with research, language, and mystical knowledge and be patient with setbacks and to avoid accidents in the workplace. There may be a windfall, or legal/insurance settlement. Be vigilant with property, vehicles, fixed assets and home life through Oct. 24th. There may be delays, setbacks and obstructions. Ashrams, relocation and foreign lands are favorable through mid-Nov. Focus on independent projects and spiritual practices through Dec. 23rd.
Aquarius: Expect good fortune or a windfall with partnerships connected with research, language and ancient knowledge – but be patient with setbacks with same. Manage delays and obstructions with entrepreneurial ventures through Oct. 24th. Work on writing, business, technology, communications and intellectual property through late Nov. Focus on spiritual projects through Dec. 23rd.
Pisces: Be careful with partnerships, joint ventures, windfalls, inheritance, or settlements; these are vulnerable to debts, disputes, health or legal issues. Be patient with setbacks with your status and family life through Oct. 24th. Teach, publish and advise in the workplace through mid-Nov. Make decisions, take executive action and focus on yoga, sports or marital arts through Dec. 23rd.
About the Author: David Hawthorne