Astroview Weekly Column
Planetary Transits for October 30th – November 5th
(Interpretations based on the Systemsʻ Approach to Vedic Astrology)
Notes: Sun, Mercury, and Venus all transit near the southern node of the Moon, Ketu — under the seventh aspect of the northern node of the Moon, Rahu. This likely indicates a roller-coaster week of sudden highs and lows, twists and turns.
We also remain in the two-week period between the Partial Solar Eclipse (Oct. 25th) and the Total Lunar Eclipse (Nov. 8th, 5:02 a.m. CDT). Yes, this is the date of the U.S. Midterm Elections!) Generally, there is considerable stress during the time between the two eclipses. Be careful and patient and take care of your family.
Voting note: Sun, ruling the president and government officials, is always debilitated in the sign of Libra from mid-October to mid-November — when we hold our national elections. (This may be why so many elections are stressful.) This date was originally chosen so farmers could travel to vote — after harvest and before winter. Astrologically, it would be better to hold elections the first Tuesday in September, when Sun is always in powerful degrees in its own sign of Leo.
Rahu and Ketu remain stationary in the 19-degree range until Nov. 29th. The prolonged (10-week) movement of Rahu and Ketu is not ideal worldwide – and involves extremes and sudden fluctuations. Exercise care and patience and do not take risks or chances.
People, companies and countries with rising signs between 17 and 21 degrees, or with planets between 17 and 21 degrees in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius should be especially careful and patient.
Transits for this Week:
Sun transits its debilitation sign, Libra, from 12:34 to 19:35°. Sun remains closely conjunct Venus until November 9th. Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces rising sign persons, companies and countries should be careful and patient. Sun is closely conjunct Mercury until Nov. 17th. Aries, Libra and Aquarius rising sign persons, companies and countries should also be careful and patient.
Sun is closely conjunct Ketu, under the influence of Rahu, until Nov. 11th. Leaders, presidents, physicians, administrators and governments should exercise care and patience. This is also likely to create delays, setbacks, deceptions, obstructions and manipulations – extreme fluctuations — of the U.S. Midterm Elections.
Moon is waxing and transits Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
Mars transits Gemini, from 01:26 to 01:07°. Mars is weak in degrees until November 29th. There may be issues for the police, military, athletes, surgeons, executives, engineers, and property matters.
Mercury transits Libra, from 06:29 to 18:03°. Mercury is closely conjunct Ketu, under the influence of Rahu until Nov. 11th. Expect highs and lows with stocks, business, technology, and communications. Mercury is closely conjunct Sun until Nov. 17th. Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces rising sign persons, companies and countries (including Ukraine) should be careful and patient.
Jupiter transits its own sign, Pisces, from 05:39 to 05:09°. Jupiter is in excellent strength. This should be favorable for law and justice – and sheds light on the illicit activities of deceptive and manipulative persons and organizations (e.g., those involved in the Jan. 6th insurrection and other illegal or fraudulent practices.)
Jupiter is in retrograde motion until November 23rd. Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn rising sign persons, companies and countries (including USA, Russia and Ukraine) should be careful and patient when Jupiter is within five degrees of their rising sign degree in any house, or any planet, by aspect or conjunction.
Venus transits its own sign, Libra, from 14:27 to 23:13°. This should be favorable for women, romance, beauty, luxuries, entertainment, and the fine, healing or performing arts. This is a (favorable) panchamaha purusha yoga (Malavya Yoga) for Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn rising signs. Venus remains closely conjunct Sun until November 9th. Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces rising sign persons, companies and countries should be careful and patient.
Saturn transits Capricorn, from 24:27 to 24:35°. Saturn is in good strength degrees. This may be helpful for the masses, the elderly, the poor and needy, and working-class persons, along with manufacturing, agriculture, sustainable living, and the oil, gas and minerals industries. (This could also indicate a large turnout – by these same people and industries — for the Midterm Elections.)
Rahu and Ketu transit Aries and Libra, respectively, from 19:13 to 19:13°. Rahu and Ketu are stationary in the 19-degree range from September 23rd until November 29th. The prolonged (10-week) movement of Rahu and Ketu is generally not ideal — worldwide. Additionally, people, companies, and countries with rising signs between 17 and 21 degrees, or with planets between 17 and 21 degrees in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius, should be especially careful and patient.
The Impact of the Transit Planets for each “Rising Sign” (not “Sun Sign”)
Disclaimer: The transits this week may be challenging for most everyone. Feel free to skip reading this week’s column to avoid stressful information. Either way, it may be a good week to get extra rest and be more reclusive.
Aries: Continue to focus on communications, independent projects and entrepreneurial ventures through Nov. 13th. Connect pets, children, education, investments and spiritual pursuits with marriage, partnerships and joint ventures. Be vigilant with all of these, however, as these are also connected with debts, disputes, health or legal issues. Work hard and be of service to others – and count on income and friendships in the workplace through mid-Jan. Expenses or separations remain possible with father or religious figures and long-distance travel through mid-April. Money and friendships are favorable through March 2025.
Taurus: Take care with your mind, pets, children, education, investments and spiritual pursuits. These, along with property, vehicles and home life, may be vulnerable to stress, debts, disputes, health or legal issues. There is, however, some protection for you personally in these matters. You also have support for retreats, ashrams, foreign lands and institutional life. Good fortune at work is generally with you through mid-January. There may be a marriage, windfall, legal or insurance settlement through March 2023. You can also earn money if you teach, publish and advise.
Gemini: Connect property, vehicles, fixed assets and entrepreneurial investments with pets, children, education, and investments. Be vigilant, however, as these are vulnerable to sudden highs and lows. Take care of your stomach, digestion, blood pressure and cardiovascular system. Be patient with authority figures and government officials as well. Income and friendships are somewhat weak, but favorable and forefront through Nov 12th. Get some exercise, like yoga, qigong, or marital arts. Father figures and long-distance journeys may be vulnerable through mid-January. On the other hand, count on good fortune at work — connected with marriage, partnerships, and international ventures – through next March. Teach, publish, consult and advise.
Cancer: Be patient with your wealth, status, family, property, vehicles, home life, communications and entrepreneurial ventures. These may be vulnerable to sudden issues, highs and lows. Work out of your home on writing, business, technology, communications and intellectual property. Connect your career with institutions and long-distance places – but be patient to manage losses, expenses and separations through Nov. 12th. Be careful with relationships through mid-January. On the other hand, you have support against debts, disputes, health or legal issues through next March — except when Jupiter is close to your rising sign degree — or any planet in your horoscope by aspect or conjunction.
Leo: Continue to focus on writing, business, finance, technology and communications – connected with entrepreneurial ventures. There is a favorable connection with the fine, healing or performing arts. Do not, however, burn the midnight oil; get extra rest through Nov. 15th. Remain patient with relationships, joint ventures, foreign lands, law and justice matters through mid-January. Mixed results are also likely with children, education and investments – ranging from setbacks, accidents, and obstructions to marriage, inheritance, windfalls, legal or insurance issues or settlements — through next mid-April.
Virgo: Focus on your wealth, status, speech and family life – but be patient with these as there may also be losses, expenses and separations. There is also some vulnerability with women, vehicles, luxuries, entertainment and the fine, healing or performing arts. Ashrams, institutions or foreign lands may be forefront and favorable. Take care of pets, children, education or investments through mid-Jan. Fortunately, you have Jupiter in Pisces (a Hamsa Yoga) in your seventh house through mid-April. This should add protective covering to relationships and is favorable for marriage property, vehicles, home life, partnerships, joint ventures, and life abroad.
Libra: Continue to enjoy the Malavya Yoga in your first house through Nov. 11th. Focus on women, beauty, fashion, luxuries, entertainment and the fine, healing or performing arts. You can also take a leadership position and connect with authority figures and large organizations. Be patient with all of these, however, to manage sudden fluctuations that involve losses, expenses and separations. There is some support for partnerships, relationships or international ventures through Nov. 12th. Connect pets, children, education and investments with property, vehicles, and home life through mid-January. You can also associate communications and entrepreneurial ventures — with law, medicine, finances, social work, psychology and being of service to others through mid-April – but be vigilant to manage debts and disputes with these as well.
Scorpio: Lay low, get extra rest and expect less. Be patient with losses, expenses and separations relative to income, friendships and the workplace. There may be issues with authority figures or large organizations. You may also be vulnerable to debts, disputes, health or legal problems. Watch your stomach, digestion, heart, blood, bones and immune system. Continue to work out of your home on independent projects through mid-Jan. The transit of Jupiter and Saturn (ruling your wealth, status, property, and family life), in favorable houses, should add protective covering through next March. Children, education, investments and spiritual pursuits should also do well through mid-April.
Sagittarius: Be patient with delays, setbacks and fluctuations with income, friendships, authority figure, large organizations or long-distance travel. Highs and lows are likely most everywhere. Take care of the women in your life. There may be gains from writing, business, technology and communications. Connect children, education and investments with partnerships and joint ventures through mid-Nov. Be conservative with entrepreneurial ventures through mid-January — but expect long-term success with these through March 2025. You also have a Hamsa Yoga in your fourth house, (Jupiter in its own sign, Pisces), until mid-April. This supports property, vehicles, and home life. Teach, publish and advise, from home. Divine grace is likely with you and your family.
Capricorn: Be careful and patient in the workplace. There may be delays, setbacks, accidents, obstructions and fluctuations. There is also some vulnerability with marriage, windfalls, inheritance and legal or insurance settlements. The Malayva Yoga in your tenth house of career may get tested by the extremes of Rahu and Ketu and your eighth-house ruler, Sun. There may also be stress associated with property, vehicles and home life through mid-Nov. Fortunately, your overall wealth, status and family life are favorably disposed through mid-January. Focus on independent projects – teach, publish and advise – associated with institutions, spiritual or religious centers, and long-distance places through next mid-April.
Aquarius: Be patient with delays, setbacks and fluctuations with father and religious figures, long-distance travel, marriage, partnerships, joint ventures and foreign lands. These are all vulnerable to extremes. Connect independent, entrepreneurial projects with pets, children, education, investments or spiritual pursuits through mid-Nov. Consider retreats, ashrams, institutions or international ventures through mid-January. Income and friendships support your wealth, status and family life through next mid-April. Speak up as a teacher, publisher, consultant or religious leader.
Pisces: Sun, Mercury, Venus and Ketu are all in your (unfavorable) eighth house. Be patient to manage delays, setbacks, accidents, and obstructions. Marriage, partnerships, and joint ventures may also be vulnerable. The best use of this situation is to focus on research, languages, ancient knowledge and Vedic sciences. Mars, in your fourth house, may be helpful to some extent and connects your wealth, status and family life with property, vehicles, and home life. Gain from hard work and being of service to others – but be careful to manage expenses and separations with income, friendships or siblings through mid-January. Fortunately, Jupiter remains in Pisces in your first house until next April. This indicates professional opportunities. Teach, publish, consult and advise. Many people will come to you for advice.
Note: Planetary remedies add a protective covering to life. Strengthen your favorable planets (with color and gemstone therapy and/or the mystical pendant known as the kavach: ( and do “Bhoota” and “Deva” “Yagyas” (charities and chants) for the planets that cause adverse effects in your horoscope.
Brilliant Mind of the Week:
Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Afterlife, Origins of the Earth and Extreme Weather
Health Videos of the Week:
- Qigong for Beginners: Shaking the Body Qigong
- Master Chunyi Lin| “Powerful Healing Technique” — The Qigong Technique
(Watch this video to the end for the complete process. He is saying ‘Scooping’, not ‘Scoping’. It might take a time or two to master this – but is well worth it.)
Awakening Video of the Week:
The Beginning of Awakening – Eckhart Tolle
Quote of the Week:
“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the moment.” Lao-Tze