Please note: I like to give all the possibilities when I write about the transits of the planets. Because of this, some of what you read below may seem contradictory, but the theory is that when we are strengthening our benefic planets and propitiating/honoring the malefic planets consistently in our lives, the good aspects of transits can more easily come to fruition and the negative aspects will be felt much less. We can choose our own destiny to some degree by utilizing the tools Systems’ Approach to Vedic Astrology gives us in navigating our lives and giving our planets the most support.
If you’d like more specific information regarding your particular chart, I would suggest purchasing a Year Ahead reading or signing up for the $5 monthly horoscope report.
Where the Vedic Astrology Planets are this Week
Sun transits its debilitation sign, Libra, from 19:08 to 26:09°. Presidents, leaders, physicians, administrators and governments should expect less and get extra rest through mid-Nov.
Sun is also under the aspect of Mars until November 12th. Taurus, Virgo, or Scorpio rising signs persons, companies and countries should be careful and patient.
Mars transits Pisces from 21:36-21:06°. Mars remains within 5 degrees of the 5th aspect of Ketu, until Dec. 24th. This is a vulnerable time for sports, surgeons, the military, police, property, construction, engineering, executives, et al.
Mars is in retrograde motion until November 13th. The adverse effects are primarily for Taurus, Virgo, and Scorpio horoscopes – but only when Mars is within 5 degrees of the rising sign degree (in any house) or another planet by aspect or conjunction.
Mars is also under the aspect of Venus until November 13th. Taurus, Scorpio, and Pisces rising signs persons, companies and countries should be careful and patient.
Mercury transits Libra, from 1:57-7:18°. This connects business, writing, technology, communications, and intellectual property with women, justice, and the fine, healing and performing arts.
Mercury is weak in degrees until November 10th. Be patient with stocks, business, finance, technology, and communications
Mercury is under the aspect of Saturn until November 12th. Cancer, Virgo, and Pisces rising signs persons, companies and countries should be careful and patient.
Jupiter transits its own sign, Sagittarius, from 27:30-28:36° Jupiter is outside the orb of influence of other planets, but is weak in degrees. This is not ideal for law, religion, education, publishing, teaching, and consulting.
Venus transits its debilitation sign, Virgo, from 15:48-24:22°. Venus is debilitated until November 15th and under the aspect of Rahu November 9th-17th. Take care of the women in your life and be patient with law, luxuries, medicine, entertainment and the fine, healing or performing arts.
Saturn transits its own sign, Capricorn, from 2:18-2:45°. Cancer, Virgo and Pisces rising sign persons, companies, and countries (including USA) should be careful and patient whenever Saturn is close to any of their planets or rising sign degree, by aspect or conjunction. Saturn is weak in degrees until Dec. 7th. There is some level of vulnerability for the masses, the elderly, and the poor and needy.
Rahu and Ketu transit Taurus and Scorpio, respectively, (where they will be until March 16, 2022) from 26:12-26:07°. Persons, companies and countries with a rising sign of 26° or any planets in even signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces) at 26° should be careful and patient.
The Impact of the Transit Planets for each “Rising Sign” (not “Sun Sign”)
Aries: There can be focus on wealth and status. Lay low and be patient with relationships.. Work on health and finances in your relationship. Be careful with all forms of transportation and consider a sugar free cleanse during this time. Connect your higher education, investments, and creative projects with partnerships. Expect some delays relative to the same. Connect windfalls, easy gains, and the marital bond with spirituality. There can be good luck and divine grace with writing, teaching, publishing, consulting and advisory roles. There can also be income, gains, friendships, and fulfillment of desires connected with your career and professional life but expect less until December 24th. Focus on sleep, spirituality and intimacy. Watch out for losses relative to your health and enterprises.
Taurus: You may be feeling more charismatic, persuasive and magnetic. Speak with power and conviction. Connect your health and finances with children, higher education, creative projects and investments. There may be conflicts relative to the same as well as for your home life, parents, property, vehicles, and fixed assets. Be careful with your communications and technology. Focus on spirituality connected with your relationships. There may be some windfall or focus on mystical knowledge. There can be good luck and divine grace connected with your career. Connect your income, gains, friendships, and fulfillment of desires with foreign lands, ashrams, import/export, and spiritual journeys, but be patient with the same until December 24th.
Gemini: Focus on beautifying your home and/or work out of your home on education, children, investments, and creative projects. Connect your higher education, investments, and creative projects with writing, business, and communications. Connect your entrepreneurial activities with higher education, children, investments, and creative projects. Focus on spirituality connected with your health and finances. There can be happiness in relationships, travel opportunities, and spirituality. There can also be income, gains, friendships, and fulfillment of desires connected with your career and professional life, but expect less until December 24th. There can be desires for travel, spiritual journeys and enlightenment.
Cancer: Connect your home life with entrepreneurial activities and independent projects, the fine arts, performing arts, and healing arts, but be patient with the same. Work out of your home on entrepreneurial activities and independent projects, wealth and status connected with writing, business, and communications. Connect spirituality to your education, children, investments, and creative projects. Your health and finances can be okay and you can win in disputes. There can be setbacks in relationships or accidents, but there may also be some windfalls or connection with the marital bond. There can be good luck, divine grace, and good fortune connected with your career and professional life, but expect less until December 24th.
Leo: There can be wealth and status connected with your entrepreneurial activities, the fine arts, performing arts and healing arts. There may be some lack of motivation or delay in your business plans or you may be feeling slow to the start regarding your enterprises and initiatives. Hunker down and put in some extra work to see results. Connect your home life with spirituality. Keep a place of meditation in your home. Your intelligence, emotions, and creative faculties are on point. Focus on writing, teaching, publishing, consulting and advisory roles. Watch out for conflicts relative to relationships. There may also be setbacks or disappointments regarding your father, spirituality, travel, dharma (work in life), and fortune until December 24th. You may be tempted to take some risks in your career.
Virgo: Focus on your wealth and status connected with the fine arts, performing arts, healing arts, writing, business, and communications. Spend some time pampering yourself, buy new clothes, or get a haircut. There can be some losses, expenses, or separations regarding your wealth, status, and continuation of family life. Connect your entrepreneurial activities with spirituality. Your home life and assets can do well. There can be setbacks regarding relationships. Try not to start conflicts or be too easily provoked. On the other hand there also may be windfalls, easy gains, or ties with the marital bond, but expect less until December 24th. Your energy and vitality should be good during this time. There can be desires for travel, religion/spirituality, and dharma (work in life).
Libra: There can be income, gains, friendships, and fulfillment of desires connected with your enterprises. Watch out for some losses, expenses, or separations or insomnia however. Connect your wealth and status with spirituality. Focus on entrepreneurial activities connected with writing, teaching, publishing, consulting and advisory roles. Your assets can do well and you are able to put your knowledge to practical use. Be vigilant to avoid conflicts relative to relationships until December 24th. There can be focus and desires for windfalls, easy gains, inheritance, and the marital bond. Focus on ashrams, foreign lands and spiritual journeys. Lay low and be careful with the women in your life and with all forms of transportation. Consider a sugar-free cleanse during this time.
Scorpio: Focus on spirituality connected with your health and enterprises. There can be wealth and status connected with writing, teaching, publishing, consulting, and advisory roles. Connect your home life, property, vehicles, and fixed assets with entrepreneurial activities. There can be conflicts relative to your higher education, children, investments, and creative projects. Watch out for being too short tempered and expect less with health and finances until December 24th. There can be focus on relationships. Spend time on your income and gains connected with foreign lands, ashrams and spiritual journeys, but be vigilant to avoid losses and expenses relative to the same as well as for your career and professional life. Be careful with your communications and technology.
Sagittarius: Focus on writing, teaching, publishing, consulting and advisory roles. There can be wealth and status connected with your entrepreneurial activities. Work out of your home on education, investments, and creative projects, but expect less until December 24th. This is also a great time to beautify your work space. There can be focus on your health and finances. Connect your career and professional life, dharma (work in life), travel, and spirituality with income, gains, friendships, fulfillment of desires and older siblings (if any) as well as with the fine arts, healing arts and performing arts, but expect less relative to the same. There can be lack of support from friends and older siblings as well as sluggish income and gains. Focus on spirituality connected with ashrams, sleep and intimacy.
Capricorn: There can be family harmony, promotions in your job, and finances can improve. Connect your home life, property, vehicles, and fixed assets with entrepreneurial activities, independent projects, and your own self efforts, but expect less until December 24th. There can be focus on higher education, children, investments, and creative projects during this time. You can have good luck, divine grace and good fortune relative to your career and professional life, but expect delays relative to the same. Connect your income, gains, friendships, and fulfillment of desires with spirituality, yoga, meditation, and spiritual subjects. Focus on relationships, health, and prosperity away from your birth place or in connection with foreign lands, sleep and intimacy.
Aquarius: There can be wealth and status connected with your entrepreneurial activities, but expect less until December 24th. Focus on your home life, parents, property, vehicles, and fixed assets. Lay low and be patient with setbacks relative to your spirituality, father, dharma (work in life) and travel. Protect the women in your life and be careful of all forms of transportation. There can be good luck, divine grace, and good fortune connected with your relationships, but with delays. Connect your career and professional life with spirituality. There can be income, gains, friendships and fulfillment of desires connected with writing, teaching, publishing, consulting and advisory roles. Focus on spiritual development and be vigilant to avoid losses, expenses, and separations.
Pisces: Focus on wealth, status, and continuation of family life, but expect less until December 24th. There is focus on your entrepreneurial activities, independent projects, and self efforts. There can be romance as well as windfalls, easy gains and inheritance connected with partnerships, relationships, joint ventures and marriage, but be careful of setbacks relative to the same. There can be setbacks, delays, obstructions, vulnerability and transformations regarding your health and finances as well. Be careful with your communications and technology. Focus on spirituality. Connect your career and professional life with writing, teaching, publishing, consulting and advisory roles. Be vigilant to avoid expenses, losses in speculation, and differences with close friends.
Sara Hawthorne is a Systems’ Approach Vedic Astrologer, Consultant, and Educator. She specializes in helping people with career, relationship, and health advice. Subscribe to Planetary Sara’s weekly newsletter HERE. Check out her Facebook Page HERE and Instagram Page HERE. All her services including life readings, yearly transit reports, and compatibility readings can be found HERE.