Planetary Transits for May 14th — May 20th

Astroview Report

Planetary Transits for May 14th — May 20th

(Interpretations based on the Systems’ Approach to Vedic Astrology)

Note from David: In order to catch up with a backlog of requests for readings, this astrology report is now being published biweekly on Sundays, around the 1st and 15th of the month. This will also coincide with the movement of the Sun into each sign/house around the middle of each month.

Note from Sara: Although I will be taking some time off once baby arrives please do not hesitate to email me with reading requests/questions or orders for graha shanti/yagya services or kavaches. I will be processing these orders and scheduling readings whenever I can! Your continued support is greatly appreciated! 

Comments:  Rahu and Ketu remain in the nine-degree range April 2nd — June 8th. This slow-moving transit is typically unfavorable, and can indicate stress worldwide. (Almost 200 tornadoes in the U.S. since April; Western Myanmar pummeled with 195 mph wind speeds by Cyclone Mocha – one million refugees prepared for the worst.)

Jupiter is in Aries through April 30, 2024. This connects law and justice with Mars. Expect courageous and executive decisions (without fear or favor) regarding legal matters after mid-June 2023 and before March 2024.

Transits for this Week:

Sun transits out of its exaltation sign, Aries, and into Taurus, May 15th at 1:14 a.m. CDT. Sun is weak in degrees until May 20th. Leaders, physicians, administrators and government officials should get extra rest.

Sun Transits Taurus

Moon is waning and transits Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus.  The new Moon is in Taurus, May 19th.

Mars transits its debilitation sign, Cancer, from 02:10 to 06:08°. CDT. Mars is in its debilitation sign through June 30th.  The police, military, athletes, surgeons, engineers and executives should get extra rest.

Mercury transits Aries, from 11:42 to 13:03°. Mercury is weak due to the weakness of its dispositor, (the debilitated Mars). Be patient with stocks, finances, business, technology, communications and intellectual property.

Jupiter transits Aries, from 05:14 to 06:50°. Jupiter is within five-degrees of Rahu until June 20th.  Take care of children, husbands, and educational situations. (Especially in school situations.) Be patient with law and justice — and then expect favorable results mid-June 2023 through March 2024.

Venus transits Gemini from 13:00 to 20:25°. Venus is in strong degrees and outside the orb of influence of other planets. This should be favorable for business and social media, along with women, romance, medicine, finance, luxuries, architecture, transportation, and the fine, healing and performing arts.

Last Week’s Prediction: “Watch for news about well-known women.” (Meghan Markle misses the Coronation of King Charless III; Linda Accarino, Chairman of Global Advertising at NBC Universal named as new CEO of Twitter.)

Saturn transits its own sign, Aquarius, from 12:03 to 12:24°. Saturn is moving away from the close fifth aspect of Ketu. We should start to see some improvement for the masses, the elderly, the poor and needy, manufacturing, agriculture, and the oil, gas and minerals industries.

(Recent stress with these significations – such as tornadoes, cyclones, and the threat against Medicare, Social Security and the National Debt Limit — has more to do with the prolonged stationary position of Rahu and Ketu.)

Rahu and Ketu transit Aries and Libra, respectively, from 09:45 to 09:42° — and are stationary in the nine-degree range until June 8th. This prolonged position is typically unfavorable, and can indicate stress worldwide.

People, companies, and countries with rising signs between 7 and 11 degrees, or with planets between 7 and 11 degrees in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius, should be especially careful and patient.


The Impact of the Transit Planets for each “Rising Sign” (not “Sun Sign”)

ARIES: Connect marriage, partnerships, joint ventures and/or foreign lands, with entrepreneurial ventures through May. Be patient with debts, disputes, health or legal issues through June 6th. Expect a lift with pets, children, education, investments and spiritual pursuits through mid-June. Focus on property, vehicles and home life through June. Jupiter supports good fortune, spiritual journeys and father/religious figures through April 2024. This also connects you with children, education, teaching, consulting, and Vedic astrology. Saturn may well provide you with income and friendships – June 2023 — March 2025. Work hard, be of service to others, and consider manufacturing, agriculture, sustainable living, etc.

TAURUS:  Be vigilant when speaking to manage debts or disputes through May. There may, however, be success with women and the fine, healing or performing arts. Take care of pets, children, education and investments through June 6th. These may involve expenses, separations – or spiritual pursuits. Take a leadership position in life and expect a lift with property, vehicles and home life through mid-June. Independent, entrepreneurial projects can be connected with property and your organizing skills, along with losses or institutional or international ventures — through June. Jupiter, in Aries, may involve relocation, visits to retreats/ashrams, life abroad, or a focus on institutional life through April 2024. Teach, publish or advise in these environments. On the other hand, be patient with your marriage, children, grandchildren and/or inheritance or windfalls. Saturn is your saving grace – and favorable for your career, June 2023 through March 2025.

GEMINI:  Focus on pets, children, education and investments through May. Get a haircut, buy new clothes and consider a day spa. Women and the fine, healing or performing arts may be forefront. Connect property, vehicles and home life with gains, income and friendships. Be patient, however, with entrepreneurial ventures, the government and father/authority figures through mid-June. These may be vulnerable to losses, expenses or separations.  Make executive decisions and consider sports, exercise, yoga or martial arts – along with property matters through June. Jupiter, in Aries, connects marriage, partnerships, joint ventures and life abroad with income and friendships through April 2024. Additionally, Saturn may bless you with good fortune, finding your “dharma”, meetings with religious/spiritual figures, and long-distance travel – June 2023 through March 2025.

CANCER:  Be patient with property, vehicles and home life through May. These may involve expenses, separations or long-distance travel. Focus on independent projects in the workplace through June 6th.  These can include writing, business, technology, communications and entrepreneurial ventures. There may be gains, income and friendships associated with large organizations and authority figures through mid-June. Career opportunities are forefront through June. Be competitive, make executive decisions, and consider property matters. Jupiter, in Aries, connects your career with law, religion, children, students, education, teaching, publishing and consulting through April 2024. Be patient, however, to manage debts, disputes, health or legal issues. Medicine, finances, psychology, social work and being of service to others are forefront at work. Focus on research, languages and knowledge. There may be a marriage, windfall, inheritance, legal or insurance settlement, June 2023 – March 2025.

LEO:  Connect independent, entrepreneurial ventures with women and the fine, healing or performing arts through May. Be patient, however, with your wealth, status or family life through June 6th.  There may also be losses, expenses or separations connected with father/religious figures and/or property matters – or visits to retreats or ashrams, or long-distance travel June. Take care of pets, children, education and investments, also through June, to manage sudden issues. Jupiter, in Aries, is favorable for children, grandchildren, education and investments, along with honor and recognition vis-a-vis authorship, teaching, publishing, consulting and advisory roles – through April 2024.  Saturn, in Aquarius, should be favorable for relationships — June 2023 through March 2025.

VIRGO:  Enjoy a good situation with your career – connected with women, family life, luxuries, entertainment, and the fine, healing or performing arts through May. Be patient, however, to manage setbacks through June 6th. On the other hand, you can focus on research, languages, and the Vedic sciences. Take care of father/religious figures through mid-June. These may involve expenses, separations, or long-distance travel. Income and friendships may also be vulnerable — or, there may be gains from a windfall, inheritance, legal or insurance settlement through June. Be careful with property, transportation and home life, also through June. Jupiter, in Aries, may bring stress with property, vehicles, home life, parents or children through April 2024. Your best bet is to focus on research, languages and/or mystical or Vedic sciences. Saturn, in Aquarius, should provide protection against debts, disputes, health or legal issues, June 2023 – March 2025.

LIBRA:  Enjoy good fortune, father/religious figures, and/or spiritual journeys or long-distance travel through May. Be patient, however, with relationships in general through June 6th. These may involve losses, expenses, separations, institutional life or foreign lands. Income and friendships may also involve either setbacks or a windfall or legal/insurance settlement through mid-June. Focus on partnerships, joint ventures or international ventures in the workplace through June. Make decisions, connect with men who are like brothers, and consider property matters. Be vigilant, however with communications and entrepreneurial ventures, also through June. Jupiter, in Aries, connects entrepreneurial ventures with joint ventures or foreign lands through April 2024. These are favorable and connected with children, education, teaching, publishing and advisory roles. Saturn may also provide success with children, education, investments and spiritual pursuits June 2023 – March 2025.

SCORPIO:  Be patient with institutions, insomnia, intimacy, and foreign lands — along with possible losses, expenses, or separations through May. Income and friendships may also be subject to debts, disputes, health or legal issues through June 6th.  Connect your career with marriage, partnerships, joint ventures and/or international ventures through mid-June. Take care of father/religious figures and with long-distance travel through June. Jupiter, in Aries, may cause stress with your wealth, status and family life through April 2024. Be vigilant to manage conflicts, mental tension, and financial issues. On the other hand, Saturn should be able to help you with property, vehicles, fixed assets and domestic peace — June 2023 through March 2025.

SAGITTARIUS:  Continue to expect gains, income and friendships associated with marriage, partnerships, and joint ventures through May. Take care of father/religious figures and with long-distance travel through mid-June. Connect your career with children, education, investments and spiritual pursuits through June 6th – these can also be associated with research, languages, mystical sciences – or with some level of vulnerability and transformations through June.  Jupiter, in Aries, indicates good fortune — and connects you with pets, children, grandchildren, education, investments and spiritual pursuits through April 2024. This should also give you the energy to start new projects — and to keep you moving. Teach, publish, and advise. Saturn, in Aquarius, provides entrepreneurial success, June 2023 – March 2025.

CAPRICORN:  Be patient with your career through May. There may be debts, disputes, health or legal issues. On the other hand, there may be good fortune with family life and/or long-distance travel through June 6th. Take care of your children, grandchildren, education and investments through mid-June. Connect property, vehicles and home life with marriage, partnerships, and joint ventures through June. Be patient with expenses and separations associated with retreats, institutions and long-distance places, also through June. Jupiter, in Aries, connects property, vehicles, fixed assets, parents, and home life with retreats, ashrams, long-distances, foreign lands, or a relocation through April 2024. Be patient, however, to manage expenses, separations, or institutional life. Saturn, in Aquarius, largely contributes to your wealth, status and family life, June 2023 – March 2025.

AQUARIUS: Expect good fortune, father/religious figures, and long-distance travel associated with children, education, investments and spiritual pursuits through May. Be patient, however, with setbacks with communications and independent projects through June 6th. Connect marriage, partnerships, joint ventures and/or foreign lands with property, vehicles, fixed assets and home life through mid-June. Be vigilant with your speech and entrepreneurial ventures through June; these may be connected with debts, disputes, health or legal issues. Be patient with income, friendships and older siblings, also though June. Jupiter, in Aries, connects income, friendships, education, children, and older siblings with communications, independent projects through April 2024.Teach, publish, consult and advise. Focus on your own initiatives; these will likely contribute to your success, and make you lively, alert and healthy. Saturn, in Aquarius, confers the “Sasha Yoga” on you, which is favorable for your reputation, a strong work ethic, and leading the masses, June 2023 – March 2025.

PISCES: Be patient through May to manage property, vehicles and home life.  It is okay, however, to redecorate and make good use of art, music and luxuries at home. There should be able to count on positive experiences with marriage, partnerships and joint ventures through June 6th. Exercise patience with communications and entrepreneurial ventures through mid-June to manage debts or disputes. Focus on pets, children, education, investments and spiritual pursuits through June. Be mindful at work; there may be sudden issues, also through June. Jupiter, in Aries, suggests you speak up a teacher, advisor, publisher, or consultant through April 2024. Expect good fortune, wealth, status and family life associated with your career and professional ventures. For some of you, there may be a marriage, or children/grandchildren. Saturn, in Aquarius, should be helpful with retreats, ashrams, foreign lands, and institutional life – and may add protective covering against expenses, separations or hospitalization, June 2023 – March 2025.


Note: Planetary remedies add a protective covering to life. Strengthen your favorable planets (with color and gemstone therapy and/or the mystical pendant known as the kavach: ( and do “Bhoota” and “Deva” “Yagyas” (charities and chants) for the planets that cause adverse effects in your horoscope.


Health Tips of the Week:

The #1 Best Remedy to Prevent a Heart Attack

The Best Meal to Clean Out Your Arteries


Awakening Video of the Week:

Stop Bothering Yourself | Michael Singer


Awakening Quote of the Week:

“Do not let anything that happens in life be important enough that you’re willing to close your heart over it.” — Michael Singer