Notes: Sun is under the 9th aspect of the northern node of the Moon, Rahu, until March 19th. Take care of father figures and watch your stomach, digestion, heart, blood, bones and immune system. This affliction is absolutely not ideal for leaders, presidents, physicians, administrators and governments. Watch for news about a sudden eclipse relative to persons in high positions.
Additionally, Jupiter is under the 8th aspect of Mars until March 28th. Taurus, Virgo, and Scorpio rising sign persons, companies and countries (including India) should be careful and patient.
Where the Vedic Astrology Planets are this Week
- Sun transits out of Aquarius and into Pisces, March 14th at 7:09 p.m. CDT. Sun is under the 9th aspect of Rahu until March 19th. Take care of father figures and watch your stomach, digestion, heart, blood, bones and immune system. This affliction is absolutely not ideal for leaders, presidents, physicians, administrators and governments. Watch for news about a sudden eclipse relative to persons in high positions.
- Moon is waxing and transits Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and into Virgo. The full Moon is in Virgo, March 20th at 8:42 p.m. CDT.
- Mars transits Aries from 24:34 to 29:12°. Mars is outside the orb of influence of other planets. This is favorable for 9 of the 12 rising signs. Taurus, Virgo and Scorpio rising sign persons, companies and countries, (including India) however, are under stress whenever Mars is close to the rising sign degree — or any other planet by aspect or conjunction.
- Mercury transits out of its debilitation sign, Pisces, and back into Aquarius, on March 14th at 10:29 p.m. CDT. Mercury is weak in degrees until March 20th. Be careful with stocks, finance, business, computers, technology and communications. Mercury is in retrograde motion March 5 – 28. This is only a problem for Aries, Libra and Aquarius rising signs — and only if Mercury is within 5 degrees of the rising sign degree (in any house) or any other planet by aspect or conjunction.
- Jupiter transits Scorpio, from 29:04 to 29:34°. Jupiter is weak in old age degrees. This may cause issues for law, publishing, teaching, education, advisory roles and religious organizations. Jupiter is under the 8th aspect of Mars until March 28th. Taurus, Virgo, and Scorpio rising sign persons, companies and countries may be under stress.
- Venus transits Capricorn, from 20:48 to 29:08°. Venus is outside the orb of influence of other planets. This should be good for women, romance, luxuries, medicine, vehicles, legal issues, finance, entertainment, and the fine, healing and performing arts.
- Saturn transits Sagittarius, from 24:39 to 25:07°. This connects law, religion and education with the elderly, the poor and needy, immigrants, and working-class persons.
- Rahu and Ketu transit Cancer and Capricorn, respectively, from 00:42 to 00:21°. Those persons with 0 to 2° rising signs or with any planets in the 0 to 2°range in even signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces — including the USA) should be careful and patient.
The Impact of the Transit Planets for each “Rising Sign” (not “Sun Sign”):
- Aries: Spend another week on yourself, decisions, exercise and property. Be patient to manage your health, finances, or litigation. Your pets, children, education or investments are subject to losses, expenses or separations. Connect women, creativity, and partnerships with your career. Redecorate your workspace.
- Taurus: Gain from authority figures or large organizations — but be vigilant to manage property, vehicles, fixed assets and home life. There may be expenses and separations with pets, children, marriage, education, investments, or inheritance. You have some protection for your health, finances, and legal issues.
- Gemini: Take a leadership position at work, but be vigilant to manage issues with health, communications, authority figures and entrepreneurial ventures. Manage your pets, children, education and investments. Gain from writing, business, and technology. Remain vigilant with debts, disputes and relationships through Oct.
- Cancer: Expect good fortune — but be vigilant with your status, speech, family, and authority figures. These are vulnerable to sudden issues. Connect property and vehicles with joint ventures. Focus on writing, business and technology at work; take action, consider property matters and make executive decisions.
- Leo: Focus on research and knowledge — but be vigilant to manage sudden setbacks and health issues and to avoid accidents. Connect partnerships with children, education and investments with property and home life. Expect good fortune with writing, business and technology. Be careful with entrepreneurial ventures to avoid debts and disputes.
- Virgo: Focus on relationships — but be vigilant to manage sudden expenses and separations with relationships. There may be setbacks with property, vehicles and home life. Expect status with children, education and investments. Your mind is creative and associated with women, medicine, luxuries, and the fine, healing and performing arts.
- Libra: Focus on property, vehicles and home life. Be vigilant with income, friendships and siblings; these are vulnerable to sudden debts, disputes or health issues. There may also be some losses, expenses or separations with your children, education and investments. Enjoy another week with partnerships and joint ventures.
- Scorpio: Connect your career with children, education and investments — but be vigilant to manage the workplace and authority figures. Be patient to manage debts or disputes. Focus on writing, business, technology and communications. Gain from property, vehicles and home life. Complete independent long-distance ventures.
- Sagittarius: Focus on property, vehicles and home life — but be vigilant to manage sudden issues with authority figures. Work on writing, business, technology and communications. Income and friendships are on your side. Speak up about law, medicine, finance, and the creative arts. Enjoy your children, education and investments.
- Capricorn: Connect research and knowledge with entrepreneurial ventures — but be vigilant to manage authority figures, and sudden setbacks and to avoid accidents. Focus on your career and creativity. Work out of your home on writing, business and communications. Enjoy another week with property, vehicles, and home life.
- Aquarius: Focus on writing, business, technology and communications — but be patient with setbacks and to avoid accidents. Be vigilant with relationships. These are subject to sudden debts, disputes or health issues. Spend another week on retreats, institutions, long-distance ventures, executive ventures and entrepreneurial property.
- Pisces: Be patient with relationships; these are vulnerable to losses, expenses, and separations. Leadership may come your way — but be vigilant to manage debts, disputes, health and legal issues and to avoid accidents. Gain from women, research, language, luxuries, creativity and entertainment. Be patient with income and friendships.
About the Author: David Hawthorne