Planetary Transits for January 28 – February 3

(Interpretations based on the Systemsʻ Approach to Vedic Astrology)

Notes:  Best wishes to President Biden for good health, bipartisan leadership, and national accomplishments. In the SAMVA chart for USA, it appears that challenges are likely through mid-April 2022. Then, the following 10 years should be exceptionally favorable for the country.

Jupiter is weak in its debilitation sign, Capricorn, Nov. 20 – April 5.  This likely contributes to the current issues with the Rule of Law — a constitutional principle under which all persons, institutions, and entities are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced, independently adjudicated and consistent with international human rights principles.

Saturn transits its own sign, Capricorn, from 10:40 to 11:30°. This is a strong position for Saturn and should be helpful for the elderly, the masses, working-class persons, immigrants, minority groups, the poor and need, manufacturing, healthcare and environmental issues. (President Biden pledges to address these various societal concerns.)

Where the Vedic Astrology Planets are this Week

Sun transits Capricorn, from 14:22 to 21:28°. Sun is in favorable degrees. This should be helpful for leaders, presidents, physicians and administrators. Sun is closely conjunct Jupiter until Feb. 3. Taurus, Cancer, and Capricorn rising sign persons, companies and countries (including USA) should be careful and patient.

Moon is waxing/waning and transits Cancer, Leo, Virgo and into Libra.  The full Moon is in Cancer, Jan. 28th at 1:15 p.m. CST.

Mars transits its own/mooltrikona sign, Aries, from 16:24 to 20:08°. This is a powerful position for Mars, which rules the military, police and national security, etc. (7,000 National Guard Remain in Washington, D.C. to Protect the Capitol; Homeland Security Releases Bulletin Over Domestic Terrorists Threats.)

Mercury transits Aquarius, from 01:48 to 00:24°.   Mercury is weak in degrees until Feb. 9th. Be vigilant with stocks, finance, business, technology and communications. Mercury is retrograde, Jan. 30 – Feb. 20. The impact is primarily for Aries, Libra and Aquarius rising sign persons – but only when Mercury is within 5 degrees of the rising sign degree or another planet, by aspect or conjunction.

Jupiter transits its debilitation sign, Capricorn, from 15:01 to 16:40°.  Jupiter is weak in debilitation until April 5th.  This likely contributes to the current issues with the Rule of Law. Jupiter is closely conjunct Sun until Feb. 3rd. Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces rising sign persons should be careful and patient.

Venus transits Capricorn, from 00:25 to 09:10°. This connects women, romance, travel, medicine, luxuries, entertainment, and the fine, healing or performing arts with earthy, practical, ambitious and manual-labor matters.

Saturn transits its own sign, Capricorn, from 10:40 to 11:30°. This is a strong position for Saturn. Gemini, Leo and Aquarius rising signs, however, should be vigilant for the next two years as Saturn is transiting their 8th, 6th, and 12th (inauspicious) houses, respectively.

Saturn is now separating from the close conjunction with Jupiter. This should bring relief to Taurus, Cancer, and Capricorn rising sign persons, companies and countries, (including USA). Cancer, Virgo and Pisces rising sign persons, companies, and countries, however, should be vigilant whenever Saturn is within 5 degrees of any of their planets or rising sign degree, by aspect or conjunction.

Rahu and Ketu transit Taurus and Scorpio, respectively and stationary, from 24:48 to 24:02°.   Persons, companies and countries with a rising sign between 25 and 23 degrees — or with any planets in even signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces) in these same degrees, should be careful and patient through mid-Feb.

The Impact of the Transit Planets for each “Rising Sign” (not “Sun Sign”)

Aries: Be decisive, courageous, and competitive. Focus on physical activities. Connect your career with children, education, investments, and partnerships.  Income, friendships and good fortune are forefront in the workplace. Gain from business, technology and communications – but be patient to manage short-lived debts or disputes. Teach, publish and advise — through March.  Mars, ruling your chart, transits favorable houses through Sept. 4.

Taurus: Be patient for a few days with property and vehicles and to avoid accidents at home or while driving. Connect your career with your children, education and investments. Expect a lift with your professional life. Focus on writing, business, technology and communications in the workplace. There should be some improvement with health, finances or legal issues.

Gemini: Be patient with property, vehicles and home life. Manage communications, authority figures and entrepreneurial activities through Feb. 11th.  These, along with pets, children, education and investments may be vulnerable to setbacks, accidents or obstructions through Feb. 19th. Focus on income and friendships connected with physical activities, property matters and your organizing skills through Feb. 21st. Relationships remain vulnerable through March.

Cancer:  Connect property, vehicles and home life with partnerships and joint ventures. Be patient for one week with communications and independent projects. These are vulnerable to setbacks/obstructions. Enjoy relationships, but be vigilant to manage debts, disputes, health or legal issues with these. Expect success with your career and focus on property matters, and your organizing skills – through Feb. 21st.

Leo: Connect your wealth, status and family life with partnerships and joint ventures – for one week only. Be vigilant to manage debts, disputes, health and legal issues through Feb. 11th. There may be similar problems with communications and entrepreneurial projects, On the other hand, there is some protection and good fortune through Feb. 21st.

Virgo: Be vigilant for one week to manage debts, disputes, health or legal issues – and be patient with expenses and separations with property, vehicles and home life. There may be highs or lows with your children, education or investments. Study the fine, healing or performing arts, as well as teaching, publishing and consulting. There may be a marriage, inheritance, or windfall before Feb. 21st.

Libra: Focus on property, vehicles, fixed assets and home life. Invest in these for gains and income. Work out of your home on independent projects and entrepreneurial activities. Be patient with short-lived losses, expenses, and separations. Your best bet is with marriage, partnerships, joint ventures and foreign lands through Feb. 21st.

Scorpio: Connect your career with communication and entrepreneurial ventures through mid-Feb. Focus on large organizations, hard work, and being of service to others. Work out of your home on independent projects. Gain this week from property, vehicles and fixed assets. Be patient with short-lived expenses and separations. There is some protection for your debts, disputes, health or legal issues through Feb. 21st.

Sagittarius: Connect your career with independent projects and communications for one week. Expect good fortune through Feb. 11th, along with gains, income, and friendships through Feb. 20th. Children, education, investments and spiritual pursuits should do well through Feb. 21st. Speak up as a teacher, publisher or advisor through March. Focus on entrepreneurial ventures for the next 7 years.

Capricorn: Expect good fortune this week with your family life. Take a leadership position, but be vigilant to manage setbacks and to avoid accidents through Feb. 11th.  Career opportunities are forefront through Feb. 20th.  Focus on your appearance and the fine, healing or performing arts. Your best bet is with property, vehicles and home life through Feb. 21st.  Expect progress with your status and family for the most part for the next 4 years.

Aquarius: Focus on technology and communications, but be vigilant for one week to manage setbacks and to avoid accidents. Be patient with losses, expenses and separations with partnerships and joint ventures through Feb. 11th.  Consider a retreat, ashram or foreign land. Your best bet is with independent projects through Feb. 21st. Expect less with income and friendships through March.

Pisces:  Be patient for one week with relationships; there may be expenses or separations. Be vigilant through Feb. 11th with income and friendships to manage debts, disputes, health or legal issues. Gain from large organizations or authority figures. A windfall or inheritance is possible before Feb. 20th.  Count on your status and family life through Feb. 21st.  Focus on physical activities, property matters and your executive skills. Teach, publish and advise through March.

Quote of the Week:

“No science on earth, other than the horoscope reading, can reveal the mysteries of life. Professor V.K. Choudhry, Founder of Systemsʻ Approach to Vedic Astrology

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