Planetary Transits for February 7 – February 13

Notes: Rahu and Ketu are in the 2-degree range Dec. 19 – Feb. 22. This stationary transit typically indicates prolonged stressful events worldwide.

However, those persons, companies, and countries who do NOT have any planets in “even” signs around 2 degrees, or whose rising signs are NOT in the 2-degree range, should have smoother sailing than those who have this situation.

Fortunately, Rahu and Ketu are NOT currently afflicting any transit planets. This should be helpful to most everyone (other transits in a horoscope notwithstanding).

Where the Vedic Astrology Planets are this Week

  • Sun transits out of Capricorn and into Aquarius, Feb. 12th at 10:18 p.m. CST. Sun is weak in degrees until Feb. 17. Leaders, physicians, administrators and governments should get extra rest.
  • Moon is waxing and transits Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and into Taurus.
  • Mars transits Aries from 01:00 to 05:44°. This connects fire with property and puts a focus on the military, police, athletes, martial arts, mathematics and engineering.
  • Mercury transits Aquarius, from 00:05 to 12:43°. This connects stocks, business and communications with unconventional, inventive and humanitarian efforts.
  • Jupiter transits Scorpio, from 24:41 to 25:47°. This is favorable for law, publishing, teaching, education, advisory roles and religious organizations.
  • Venus transits Sagittarius from 09:40 to 17:44°. This is favorable for law, women, romance, luxuries, medicine, education, entertainment and the fine, healing and performing arts.
  • Saturn transits Sagittarius, from 21:30 to 22:14°. This connects law, religion and education with the elderly, the poor and needy, immigrants, and working-class persons.
  • Rahu and Ketu transit Cancer and Capricorn, respectively, from 02:33 to 02:18°. Those persons with 1 to 3° rising signs or with any planets in the 1 to 3°range in even signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces — including the USA) should be careful and patient.

The Impact of the Transit Planets for each “Rising Sign” (not “Sun Sign”):

  • Aries: Shift your focus to yourself. Make decisions and enjoy sports, yoga or martial arts. Take a leadership position and connect your work with children, education and investments. Ask for a raise. You may get an award or promotion. Enjoy partnerships and joint ventures. Be patient with income and friendships.
  • Taurus:  Continue to enjoy property, vehicles and home life, while taking care of setbacks with relationships. Be vigilant to manage debts, disputes or health issues. Connect children, education and investments with your professional life. Consider a retreat, ashram, relocation or long-distance venture through March 21st.
  • Gemini: Be patient with setbacks with authority figures and independent projects. Enjoy property, vehicles, home life, income and friendships. Connect children, education and investments with joint ventures. You may meet someone affluent, creative and beautiful, but safeguard against debts and disputes in relationships.
  • Cancer:  Focus on your career. Make decisions and take action at work. Expect good fortune with relationships. Be vigilant with property, vehicles and home life; these are subject to debts or disputes. Connect communications and independent projects with research, language, and knowledge.
  • Leo: Be vigilant to manage debts, disputes, health or legal issues. Connect communications and independent projects with children, education and investments. Study the fine, healing or performing arts. Expect a lift with partnerships and joint ventures. Good fortune is with you through mid-March.
  • Virgo:  Start a new health regime, refinance debt, and take care of legal documents, such as Wills, Trusts, and insurance matters. Be patient with expenses or separations with children, education and investments. Your best bet is property, vehicles and home life involving independent projects, teaching, publishing and consulting.
  • Libra: Focus on communications and independent projects connected with women, luxuries, and the fine, healing and performing arts. There may be gains with property, vehicles and home life. Be patient with expenses and separations with children, education and investments. Your best bet is relationships, partnerships and joint ventures.
  • Scorpio: Spend another week on communications and independent projects – connected with authority figures and large organizations. Expect gains with property, vehicles and home life. Be patient with expenses and separations with your wealth, status and family life. Your best bet is to teach, publish and advise.
  • Sagittarius: Get a haircut, buy new clothes and focus on the fine, healing and performing arts. Income and friendships are with you. Connect your career with independent projects involving writing, business, brokering, technology and intellectual property. Expect a lift with your mind, children, education and investments.
  • Capricorn: Take a leadership position, but be careful to manage setbacks and to avoid accidents. Connect your career with long-distance ventures and be patient with expenses and separations. Expect good fortune with your status and family life. Focus on stocks, writing, business and communications. Enjoy property, vehicles and home life through mid-March.
  • Aquarius: Be patient for with relationships, expenses or separations. Expect good fortune with income and friendships. Gain from women, luxuries and the fine, healing and performing arts. Focus on writing, business, communications, and intellectual property, but be vigilant to manage setbacks and to avoid accidents.
  • Pisces: Connect your career with women and the fine, healing and performing arts, but be vigilant to manage setbacks and to avoid accidents in the workplace. Gain from authority figures and large organizations. Relationships are vulnerable to expenses, separations or long-distance ventures. Expect a lift with your tatus and family life.

About the Author: David Hawthorne