Planetary Transits for February 15th – March 14th

Astroview Report

Planetary Transits for February 15th – March 14th

(Interpretations based on the Systems’ Approach to Vedic Astrology)

Notable Transits:  Sun is in Aquarius until March 14th.  Mars and Venus are closely conjunct until March 3rd. See below for the impact for each rising sign.

Personal Note:  As some of you know, I have been writing this column for 22 years. Now, however, at age 77 and under the advice of my doctor, I need to reduce my workload for a better Ayurvedic routine that includes rest, meditation, and family time.

To this end, I have discontinued several services from my website — and will now publish this column only on the 15th of each month. Fortunately, this coincides with the transit of the Sun, (the king of the planetary cabinet), which changes signs around the middle of every month. “Watching the Sun” is a powerful technique that should continue to provide readers with important astrological information. Other planetary transits will also be included as deemed necessary.

Transits Through March 14th

Sun transits Aquarius until March 14th. This connects physicians, presidents, administrators, and government officials with inventive and humanitarian efforts favoring the masses and being of service to others. Sun is closely conjunct Saturn, Feb. 23rd – March 5th. Cancer, Virgo, and Pisces rising sign persons should be careful and patient as Saturn rules their eighth, sixth, and twelfth (inauspicious) houses, respectively.

Moon is waning/waxing and transits Aries through the full zodiac, ending in Taurus. The full (Worm) Moon is in Leo, February 24th at 6:30 a.m. CST. (It is called the “Worm Moon” because in March the soil begins to warm, and the first signs of life emerge from winter dormancy.)

Mars transits its exaltation sign, Capricorn, from 07:20 to 29:45°. This should be favorable for the military, police, fire, athletes, executives, construction, and property matters. Mars is closely conjunct Venus until March 3rd. Taurus, Scorpio, and Pisces rising sign persons should be careful and patient as Venus rules their sixth, twelfth, and eighth (inauspicious) houses, respectively.

Mercury moves quickly and completes its transit through Capricorn and into Aquarius on February 19th, and then into its debilitation sign, Pisces on March 6th. Expect quick changes with stocks, finance, business, communications, and intellectual property. Mercury will be closely conjunct Sun, February 21st to March 4th. Aries, Libra, and Aquarius rising sign persons should be careful and patient, as Mercury rules their sixth, twelfth, and eighth (inauspicious) houses, respectively. Mercury will be closely conjunct Saturn, February 25th to March 1st. This short-lived conjunction may cause minor issues for Aries, Libra and Aquarius rising sign persons.

Jupiter transits Aries, from 14:49 to 19:43°. This should be favorable for law, banking, religion, and education. Jupiter is under the fourth aspect of Mars, February 18th – March 6th. This connects the military, police, athletes, executives, and property matters with the law, banking, religion, and education.

Jupiter is under the third aspect Saturn until April 13th. This connects the above significations with the masses, the working class, manufacturing, agriculture, the elderly and the oil and gas industries. Cancer, Virgo, and Pisces rising sign persons should be careful and patient, as Saturn rules their eighth, sixth, and twelfth houses, respectively.

Jupiter is in Aries through April 30th. This connects law and justice with Mars. Expect courageous legal decisions. Taurus, Virgo, and Scorpio rising sign persons, however, should be careful and patient — as Jupiter is transiting their twelfth, eighth, and sixth (inauspicious) houses, respectively.

Venus transits Capricorn and into Aquarius, March 7th. Venus is closely conjunct Mars until March 3rd. Taurus, Virgo, and Scorpio rising sign persons should be careful and patient as Mars rules their twelfth, eighth, and sixth (inauspicious) houses, respectively.

Saturn transits its own sign, Aquarius, from 13:55 to 17:26°. This is mostly favorable and represents the masses, the elderly, the poor and needy, agriculture, and manufacturing, along with the oil, gas, and minerals industries. Saturn is closely conjunct Sun, Feb. 23rd – March 5th. Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces rising sign persons should be careful and patient as Sun rules their twelfth, eighth, and sixth (inauspicious) houses, respectively.

Rahu and Ketu transit Pisces and Virgo, respectively, from 22:43 to 21:33°. Those persons with “even numbered” rising signs, (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces) should be careful and patient whenever Rahu and Ketu are within 5° of their rising sign degree (in any house), or within 5° of any planet in either their birth chart or the transit chart — in even signs.



The Impact of the Transit Planets for each “Rising Sign” (not “Sun Sign”)

Note:  Transit planets should also be seen with reference to the position of the planets in your personal horoscope. In some cases, this will alter the predictions.

ARIES:  Sun is in your eleventh house until March 14th. This connects pets, children, education, and investments with income, friendships, and older siblings. There may be gains from large, medical, spiritual or government organizations – and from friends in high positions. The Mars and Venus conjunction in your tenth house is favorable for your career associated with partnerships, joint ventures, or foreign lands. Mars confers on your house of career a “Ruchaka Yoga” — one of the five great yogas – through mid-March. Jupiter remains in Aries through April. Continue to focus on spiritual pursuits, father or religious figures and/or long-distance travel. Education, teaching, and advisory roles are likely forefront. Moreover, Saturn in Aquarius supports income and friendships through February 2025. Gain from hard work; be of service to others, and consider agriculture, manufacturing, sustainable living, etc.

TAURUS:  Sun is in your tenth house until March 14th. This favorably connects property, vehicles, fixed assets and home life with your professional life. You may spend more time at work than at home. Take a leadership position in the workplace. Ask for a raise or promotion; you may receive an honor, award, or recognition. The conjunction of Mars and Venus in your ninth house may bring short-lived stress with health, finances, conflicts, long-distance travel, institutions, sleeping arrangements and father or religious figures. With Jupiter in Aries through April, take care of marriage, windfalls, inheritance and/or financial settlements. Fortunately, you should be able to count on your career – through Feb. 2025 – as Saturn is blessing your tenth house with a “Sasha Yoga*”. This is favorable for leadership and humanitarian efforts.  *This also supports service to the masses, patience, hard work, practicality, and a position of authority.

GEMINI:  Sun is in your ninth house until March 14th. This favorably connects communications, independent projects and younger siblings with good fortune, long-distance travel, and father or religious figures. This should also be helpful relative to large, medical, spiritual or government organizations, and authority figures. The conjunction of Mars and Venus in your eighth house, however, needs to be managed. There may be setbacks with income, friendships, pets, children, education, and investments. On the other hand, for some of you there may be a windfall associated with these. With Jupiter in Aries through April, there may be gains and friendships relative to marriage, partnerships, joint ventures, relocation, or life abroad. Additionally, Saturn, ruling your ninth house of good fortune, may bring blessings — relative to father and religious figures and long-distance travel through February 2025.

CANCER: Sun is in your eighth house until March 14th.  Be patient with your wealth, status, and family life – along with large, medical, spiritual or government organizations, and father and religious figures. These may be vulnerable to setbacks. The conjunction of Mars and Venus in your seventh house, however, is favorable for property, vehicles, fixed assets, family life, career, and life abroad. Focus on partnerships and joint ventures at work. Mars confers on your house of relationships a “Ruchaka Yoga” — one of the five great yogas – through mid-March. With Jupiter in Aries through April, focus on education, teaching, publishing, and advisory roles. Consider opportunities with law, medicine, finance, social work, and psychology. Be of service to others – and be patient to manage stress in the workplace. With Saturn in Aquarius through February 2025, focus on research, languages, and/or the Vedic sciences. For some of you, there may also be a marriage, windfall, inheritance, legal or insurance settlement.

LEO:  Sun is in your seventh house until March 14th. This favorably connects you with marriage, partnerships, joint ventures, and life abroad.  Be patient, however, as the conjunction of Mars and Venus in your sixth house may bring stress, debts, disputes, health, or legal issues relative to communications, independent projects, entrepreneurial ventures, long-distance travel, and father or religious figures. With Jupiter in Aries through April, focus on learning, teaching, publishing, and advisory roles. You also have the blessing of Sage Parashara who spoke favorably of the fifth house ruler in the ninth house. Moreover, Saturn, in Aquarius, confers a favorable Sasha Yoga* in your house of partnerships, joint ventures and life abroad through February 2025. (*This supports service to the masses, patience, hard work, perseverance, and a position of authority.)

VIRGO:  Sorry, but it may be better to expect less and lay low. Sun is in your sixth house until March 14th. Be patient to manage stress, debts or disputes –relative to large, medical, spiritual or government organizations, institutional life, foreign lands, intimacy, or insomnia. The conjunction of Mars and Venus in your fifth house also connects setbacks or vulnerability with your wealth, status, and family life – relative to pets, children, education, investments, and spiritual pursuits. Fortunately, this impact clears in early March. With Jupiter in Aries through April, be careful with property, vehicles, and home life. For some of you, however, these could also be the source of windfalls. Saturn, in Aquarius, may add protection with debts, disputes, health or legal issues, through February 2025.

LIBRA:  Sun is in your fifth house until March 14th. This favorably connects income, friendships, and older siblings with pets, children, education, investments, and spiritual pursuits. Think like a royal person. Consider gold or government bonds. Study large, medical, spiritual or government organizations. The conjunction of Mars and Venus in your fourth house supports marriage, partnerships, and joint ventures associated with property, vehicles, fixed assets, and home life. Mars confers on your fourth house of happiness and home life a “Ruchaka Yoga” — one of the five great Yogas – through mid-March. With Jupiter in Aries through April, continue to pursue independent projects and entrepreneurial ventures — connected with partnerships, joint ventures and/or foreign lands. Additionally, Saturn in Aquarius supports success with children, grandchildren, education, investments, and spiritual pursuits through February 2025.

SCORPIO:  Sun is in your fourth house until March 14th. This favorably connects your career and professional life with property, vehicles, fixed assets, and home life. Work from home and reach out to large, medical or government organizations. Be patient, however, as the conjunction of Mars and Venus in your third house is likely to involve stress, debts, disputes, losses, expenses, and separations associated with communications, younger siblings, and entrepreneurial ventures. With Jupiter in Aries through April, there may be stress with your wealth, status and family life. Your best bet is to focus on law, medicine, finance, accounting, social work, or psychology. Fortunately, Saturn in your fourth house blesses you with a Sasha Yoga*, which should protect property, vehicles, fixed assets, and home life — through February 2025. (*This also supports service to the masses, patience, hard work, perseverance, and a position of authority.)

SAGITTARIUS: Sun is in your third house until March 14th.  This connects good fortune, long-distance places, and father or religious figures with communications, younger siblings, independent projects, and entrepreneurial ventures. Reach out to large, medical, spiritual or government organizations. The conjunction of Mars and Venus in your second house should be helpful with income, friendships, pets, children, education, investments, and spiritual pursuits. Jupiter, in Aries through April, also connects you with yoga, sports, martial arts, children, education, investments, and spiritual pursuits. This should give you energy and ambition and keep you moving in a positive direction. Learn, teach, publish, and advise. Saturn, in Aquarius, absolutely supports successful communications and entrepreneurial ventures through February 2025.

CAPRICORN:  Sun is in your second house until March 14th.  Speak up as an authority figure but be patient with setbacks and vulnerability relative to your wealth, status, and family life. For some of you, there may be a windfall. On the other hand, the conjunction of Mars and Venus in your first house is especially favorable for property, vehicles, fixed assets, home life, and your work situation. Get a haircut, buy new clothes, and focus on the fine, healing and performing arts. Mars confers on your health and personality a “Ruchaka Yoga” — one of the five great Yogas – through mid-March. Jupiter in Aries through April may involve retreats, ashrams, expenses, separations, relocation, or foreign lands — relative to property, vehicles, and home life. Fortunately, Saturn in its own sign, Aquarius, should protect your wealth, status, and family life through February 2025. This also supports leadership, industrial activities, and service to the masses.

AQUARIUS: Sun is in your first house until March 14th. This favorably connects marriage, partnerships, joint ventures, and life abroad with your health, reputation, and personality. Take a leadership position in life.  Be patient, however, as the conjunction of Mars and Venus in your twelfth house represents losses, expenses and separations relative to long-distance travel, foreign lands, father and religious figures, communications, younger siblings, independent projects and entrepreneurial ventures. With Jupiter in Aries through April, you should also be able to count on income and friendships. Moreover, Saturn, in Aquarius, confers a Sasha Yoga* on you, which is favorable for your health and reputation through February 2025. (*This is one of the five great Yogas, and supports leadership, service to the masses, patience, hard work, perseverance, and success relative to agriculture, industrial and manufacturing activities.)

PISCES:   Sorry, but it might be better to expect less, lay low, and exercise care and patience with everyone — and at all times. Sun is in your twelfth house until March 14th.  Be careful to manage debts, disputes, health, or legal issues. There may also be losses, expenses, or separations relative to father and authority figures, along with large, medical, or spiritual or government organizations. This may also be a generally challenging time, as transit Sun, Venus, and Saturn, ruling your sixth, eighth, and twelfth (inauspicious) houses, will have some short-lived impact on Saturn, Mars, and Sun, respectively. The conjunction of Mars and Venus in your eleventh house could also represent setbacks with your wealth, status, and family life. For some of you, there may be a windfall, inheritance, legal or insurance settlement. Either way, stay focused on your spiritual practices to add protective covering to life.

Note: Planetary remedies add protective covering to life. Strengthen your favorable planets (with color and gemstone therapy and/or the mystical pendant known as the kavach: ( and do “Bhoota” and “Deva” “Yagyas” (charities and chants) for the planets that cause adverse effects in your horoscope. For those with severe planetary transit afflictions lasting for one or more months, consider the “Graha Shanti” services in India:

Awakening Video of the Week:

(This is a fascinating and enlightened one-hour video by a Vedic scholar and author of 50 books – and my first Jyotish guru back in the 1980’s. Maybe watch it in 15–minute segments. Enjoy!)

Yoga and Ayurveda – Dr. David Frawley

Awakening Quote of the Week:

“The seeds of suffering are desire and fear. To act from desire and fear is bondage. To act from love is freedom.”  Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj – I Am That

Vedic Chant/Music of the Month:

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu — Mantra

Health Care Videos of the Week:

The Benefits of Daily Oil Massages (Abhyanga)

Intelligent Nutrients vs Synthetic and “Natural” Supplements

Constipation – Treating the Underlying Causes