Planetary Transits for April 23rd – April 29th

Astroview Weekly Report

Planetary Transits for April 23rd – April 29th

(Interpretations based on the Systems’ Approach to Vedic Astrology)

Notes:  Saturn is under the close aspect of Ketu through April. There may be setbacks for the masses, the elderly, the poor and needy, along with agriculture, manufacturing, and the oil, gas or minerals industries.

Mars is in Gemini until May 9th. This is favorable for nine of the twelve rising signs. Be careful and patient, however, if you are a Cancer, Scorpio, or Capricorn rising sign person, company or country (including USA, Russia and Ukraine).

Rahu and Ketu are now stationary in the nine-degree range until June 8th. This slow-moving transit is typically unfavorable, and can indicate stress worldwide.

Jupiter is in Aries through April 30, 2024. This connects law and justice with Mars. Expect courageous and executive decisions regarding legal matters. See below for the impact for all twelve rising signs.

Report on Jupiter from India:

Impact of Jupiter in Aries: 22nd April, 2023 — 1st May, 2024.

New Vedic Astrology Video:

Horoscope for the Launch of the SpaceX Starship

Transits for this Week:

Sun transits its exaltation sign, Aries, from 08:37 to 15:35°. Sun remains closely conjunct Rahu until April 28th. Leaders, physicians, administrators and government officials should be careful and patient. Those with weak Suns in their charts are vulnerable to issues with their stomach, heart, blood, bones, and immune system.

Moon is waxing and transits Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and into Leo.

Mars transits Gemini, from 20:34 to 24:22°. Mars is in good strength and outside of the orb of influence of other planets. This should be favorable for the police, military, athletes, surgeons, executives, and engineers – connected with business, technology, and communications. This may also be favorable for property matters.

Mercury transits Aries, from 21:26 to 18:16°. This should be favorable for stocks, finances, business, technology, communications and intellectual property – connected with the above Mars significations. Mercury is in retrograde motion until May 14. Contrary to popular belief, this is not a problem for most people. Aries, Libra and Aquarius rising sign persons, however, should be careful and patient whenever Mercury is withing five degrees of any other planet by aspect or conjunction, or their rising sign degree, in any house. During these transits, adverse effects are likely.

Jupiter transits Aries, from 00:17 to 01:57°. Jupiter is weak in degrees until May 13th. Be patient with law and justice.

Venus transits its own sign, Taurus, from 19:40 to 27:36°. Venus is outside the orb of influence of other planets.  This should be favorable for women, romance, medicine, finance, luxuries, architecture, transportation, and the fine, healing and performing arts.

Saturn transits its own sign, Aquarius, from 10:37 to 11:10°. Saturn is under the close fifth aspect of Ketu through April. There may be setbacks for the masses, the elderly, the poor and needy, manufacturing, agriculture, and the oil, gas and minerals industries.

Rahu and Ketu transit Aries and Libra, respectively, from 09:50 to 9:50° — and are stationary in the nine-degree range until June 8th. This prolonged position is typically unfavorable, and can indicate stress worldwide.

People, companies, and countries with rising signs between 7 and 11 degrees, or with planets between 7 and 11 degrees in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius, should be especially careful and patient.

The Impact of the Transit Planets for each “Rising Sign” (not “Sun Sign”)

ARIES:  Enjoy status connected with marriage, partnerships, joint ventures and life abroad — through May 1st. Be patient, however, with setbacks with income and friendships – and focus on communications, independent projects and entrepreneurial ventures through May 9th. Take a leadership position through May 14th. Children, education and investments may be forefront. Be patient, however, to manage personal debts, disputes, health or legal issues through June 6th. Jupiter is in your first house through April 2024. This brings a close connection with father/religious figures, spiritual journeys and good fortune. This also connects you with children, education, teaching, and consulting. It should also be a good year for income and friendships and to study Vedic astrology.

TAURUS:  It may be a good idea to skip reading this week’s notes – or at least to lay low for a while. Be vigilant to manage debts, disputes, health or legal issues through May 1st. Be patient with expenses or separations in family life – and with setbacks in the workplace through May 9th. There may also be similar issues with property, vehicles and home life through May 14th – and with pets, children, education and investments through June 6th. Jupiter is in your twelfth house through April 2024. There may be relocation, visits to retreats/ashrams, life abroad, or connections with institutional life. Maybe teach, publish or advise in these environments. On the other hand, take care of your marriage, children, grandchildren, and inheritance or windfalls. These may be vulnerable to losses, expenses and separations. Be sure to do the planetary remedies for your horoscope on a regular basis to reduce the impact of the adverse effects.

GEMINI:  Be patient to manage expenses and separations with pets, children, education and investments through May 1st. On the other hand, income and friendships are favorable and forefront. Take action and make executive decisions through May 9th.  There may be setbacks with father/religious figures and/or long-distance travel, also through May 9th. Expect success with entrepreneurial ventures through May 14th. There may also be gains from authority figures or large, medical, spiritual or government organizations. You may also gain from parents, property and vehicles through June 6th. Jupiter is in your eleventh house through April 2024. This connects marriage, partnerships, joint ventures and life abroad with income and friendships. You should be able to gain from all of these – along with teaching, publishing and advisory roles.

CANCER:  Expect gains, income and friendships connected with property, vehicles and home life. Be patient, however, in the workplace to manage losses, expenses, separations or long-distance travel – along with delays or setbacks and to avoid accidents through May 9th. On the other hand, you can take a leadership position at work and connect with authority figures and large organizations through May 14th. Focus on independent projects, writing, business, technology and communications through June 6th.  Jupiter is in your tenth house through April 2024. Connect your career with law, religion, education, teaching, publishing and consulting – but be patient to manage debts, disputes, health or legal issues in the workplace. There may be fire, theft, setbacks, accidents or false allegations against you. Medicine, finances, psychology, social work and being of service to others may also be forefront at work. Do the planetary remedies for your horoscope on a regular basis to reduce the impact of the adverse effects.

LEO:  Connect your career with independent projects – associated with women and the fine, healing or performing arts through May 1st. Count on support with income and friendships – and success with property matters and your executive skills – through May 9th. Be patient, however, with partnerships, joint ventures, and life abroad. These may be vulnerable to setbacks, also through May 9th. Good fortune, in general, is on your side. Connect with father/religious figures through May 14th. There may also be long-distance travel of short duration. Focus on writing, business, technology and intellectual property through June 6th.  Jupiter is in your ninth house through April 2024. This is favorable for children, grandchildren, education and investments, along with honor and recognition vis-a-vis authorship, teaching, publishing and advisory roles.

VIRGO:  Enjoy another week of good fortune – connected with father/religious figures, women and the fine, healing or performing arts. Connect your career with research and the Vedic sciences, but be patient with setbacks and to avoid accidents in the workplace – and to manage personal debts, disputes, health or legal issues through May 9th. There may also be vulnerability with ashrams, institutions, foreign lands, intimacy and insomnia through May 14th. Go deeply into yoga, meditation, ayurveda, sthapatya veda, gandharva veda, or jyotish through June 6th. Jupiter is now in your eighth house through April 2024. Be patient with property, vehicles, fixed assets, home life, and foreign lands.  These, along with parents and children, may be vulnerable to setbacks, accidents, debts, disputes or health issues. You can, however, focus on research, language, occult knowledge and the Vedic sciences mentioned above. For some of you, there may be a marriage, windfall, inheritance or favorable settlement. Do the planetary remedies for your horoscope on a regular basis to reduce the impact of the adverse effects.

LIBRA:  Be patient for one more week to manage setbacks and to avoid accidents. Focus on yoga, research, languages, meditation and ancient knowledge. Take care of pets, children, education and investments through May 9th. Expect both highs and lows with marriage, partnerships, joint ventures or foreign lands. On the one hand, there is good fortune with these and with father/religious figures, or long-distance travel also through May 9th. On the other hand, there may also be losses, expenses or separations through June 6th. Jupiter is in your seventh house through April 2024. Connect independent projects and entrepreneurial ventures with marriage, partnerships, joint ventures or foreign lands. These may be favorable and also connected with children, education, teaching, publishing and advisory roles.

SCORPIO:  Be patient for one week to manage expenses or separations with partnerships, joint ventures, or life abroad. Continue to be vigilant with debts, disputes, health, or legal issues through May 9th. There may also be setbacks with parents, property, vehicles or home life. Be vigilant in the workplace and with authority figures – there may be fire, theft, accidents or false allegations against you — through May 14th. Income and friendships also remain under stress through June 6th. Or, they may be favorably connected with law, medicine, finances, social work and psychology. Jupiter is in your sixth house through April 2024. Be patient with what you have to say, and to protect your wealth, status and family life. These may be vulnerable to debts, disputes, health or legal issues. Children, education, teaching, publishing and advisory roles may also be vulnerable. On a positive side, there may be success associated with law, medicine, finance, social work or psychology. Do the planetary remedies for your horoscope on a regular basis to reduce the impact of the adverse effects.

SAGITTARIUS: Be patient for another week with income, friendships and older siblings. Connect children, education and investments with marriage, partnerships and joint ventures through May 9th.  Be vigilant, however, with communications, entrepreneurial ventures and younger siblings. These may be vulnerable also through May 9th. On the other hand, Expect good fortune and/or long-distance ventures with your own initiatives through May 14th.  Focus on writing, business, technology, communications, and intellectual property through June 6th. Jupiter is in your fifth house through April 2024. This indicates good fortune — and connects you with pets, children, grandchildren, education, investments and spiritual pursuits. This will also give you the energy to start new projects and keep you moving. Teach, publish, and advise.

CAPRICORN:  Spend another week connecting your career with pets, children, education, investments and spiritual pursuits. Be patient with parents, property, vehicles and home life. These may be vulnerable to debts, disputes, health or legal issues through May 9th – and to setbacks or accidents through May 14th. On a positive note, you can work out of your home on writing, business, brokering, technology, communications and intellectual property through June 6th. Jupiter is now in your fourth house through April 2024. Connect property, vehicles, fixed assets, parents, and home life with retreats, ashrams, long-distances or foreign lands. For some of you, there may be relocation. Be patient, however, as losses, expenses, separations, hospitalization or institutional life may also be possible.

AQUARIUS: Spend another week on your parents, happiness, and home life. Connect independent projects with pets, children, education, investments and spiritual pursuits. Study yoga, sports, martial arts, engineering and property matters through May 9th.  Connect marriage, partnerships, joint ventures and life abroad with communications and entrepreneurial ventures through May 14th. Be patient with setbacks with your own self-initiatives through June 6th. Jupiter is in your third house through April 2024. This connects gains, income, friendships, education, children, and older siblings with communications, independent projects and entrepreneurial ventures. Teach, publish, consult and advise. Your own self-efforts will contribute to your success, and make you lively, alert and healthy.

PISCES: Be patient for one more week with communications and independent projects — these may be vulnerable to setbacks. There may also be issues with expenses, separations, intimacy and insomnia through early May. On the other hand, you should have success with parents, property, vehicles, fixed assets and home life through May 9th. Speak up as an authority figure, but do not engage in negativity or criticism through May 14th. Focus on writing, business, finances, technology and communications through June 6th. Jupiter is in your second house through April 2024. Speak up a teacher, advisor, publisher, or consultant. Expect good fortune, wealth, status and family life connected with your career and professional ventures. For some of you, there may be a gain of marriage, children or grandchildren.

Note: Planetary remedies add a protective covering to life. Strengthen your favorable planets (with color and gemstone therapy and/or the mystical pendant known as the kavach: ( and do “Bhoota” and “Deva” “Yagyas” (charities and chants) for the planets that cause adverse effects in your horoscope.

Awakening Quote of the Week:

“There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind – you are the one who hears it.”

Michael A. Singer, The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself.

Awakening Video of the Week:

Your Highest Technique | Michael Singer

Music of the Week:

Lord Ganesha Mix

Environmental News of the Week:

Peter Singer: Fix your diet, save the planet