Planetary Transits April 22 – April 28

(Interpretations based on the Systemsʻ Approach to Vedic Astrology)

Notes:  Jupiter is now in Aquarius until September 14th. (See below for the impact of Jupiterʻs transit for each rising sign.)

Saturn remains within three degrees of the ninth aspect of Rahu until Sept. 19th.Saturn represents the masses, immigrants, working-class persons, the elderly, and the poor and needy – along with manufacturing and agriculture.

Rahu represents viruses, poisons, addictions, pandemics, and calamities.Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations are on the increase; highest-ever number of new cases reported globally last week.)

Where the Vedic Astrology Planets are this Week

Sun transits its exaltation sign, Aries, from 08:08 to 14:57°. This should be favorable for presidents, leaders, physicians, administrators and government officials.

Moon is waxing and transits Leo, Virgo, Libra and into Scorpio. The full Moon is in Libra, April 26th at 10:31 p.m. CDT.

Mars transits Gemini, from 05:04 to 09:19°.  Mars is in good strength and outside the orb of influence of other planets.  This should be favorable for the military, police, athletes, surgeons, executives, competition, and property matters.

Mercury transits Aries, from 11:44 to 26:25°.  This should be favorable for stocks, finances, business, technology, communications and intellectual property. Mercury is closely conjunct Venus until May 1st. Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces rising sign persons, companies and countries should be careful and patient as Venus rules their 6th, 12th and 8th (inauspicious) houses.

Jupiter transits Aquarius from 02:52 to 03:56°. Jupiter is co-dependent on its dispositor (landlord), Saturn, which remains within 2 degrees of the 9th aspect of Rahu until April 28th. There is some vulnerability with law, banking, religion, morality, education, husbands and children — along with teaching, publishing and advisory roles.

Venus transits Aries, from 15:03 to 23:41°. This should be an improvement for women, medicine, finance, luxuries, entertainment, and the fine, healing and performing arts. Venus is closely conjunct Mercury, until May 1st.  Aries, Libra and Aquarius rising sign persons, companies and countries should be careful and patient as Mercury rules their 6th, 12th and 8th (inauspicious) houses.

Saturn transits its own sign, Capricorn, from 18:35 to 18:53°. Saturn remains within 2 degrees of the 9th aspect of Rahu until April 28th. This is likely to cause issues for the masses, the elderly, the poor and needy, working-class persons, manufacturing and agriculture. Continue to safeguard against Covid-19.

Rahu and Ketu transit Taurus and Scorpio, respectively, and stationary from 17:18 to 16:51°.   Persons, companies and countries with a rising sign between 15 and 17 degrees — or with any planets in even signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces) in these same degrees, should be careful and patient.

The Impact of the Transit Planets for each “Rising Sign” (not “Sun Sign”)

Aries: Take a leadership position and focus on business, communications and entrepreneurial ventures. Partnerships, joint ventures, foreign lands, women, luxuries, entertainment and the fine, healing and performing arts are forefront. Be vigilant to manage debts, disputes, health or legal issues. Expect good fortune with your career, income, and friendships. Jupiter is now in your eleventh house until September 14th, which may bring good fortune with income and friendships connected with your career and professional life. Teach, publish and advise.

Taurus: Continue to lay low and expect less. Be vigilant with debts, disputes, health or legal issues. Take care of your children, education and investments. All of these, along with property, vehicles and fixed assets are associated with losses, expenses and separations. The favorable side of the coin is to connect with retreats, institutions, or foreign lands. Good fortune may be seen at work. Jupiter is now in your tenth house until September 14th. Connect your career with research, language and ancient knowledge.  Teach, publish and advise. Be patient with setbacks and to avoid accidents in the workplace.

Gemini: Be courageous, take action, and make executive decisions. Expect gains, income, and friendships connected with your pets, children, property, vehicles, home life, education, investments, and entrepreneurial ventures. There may be a mixture of good fortune, delays, setbacks or accidents. Jupiter is now in your ninth house until September 14th. Expect good fortune with marriage, partnerships, joint ventures, and foreign lands or long-distance places. Be patient, however, with these significations to manage sudden setbacks or obstructions.

Cancer:  Take a leadership position at work and focus on business, communications, authority figures, large organizations, or international ventures. Redecorate your workspace.  Connect work with women, luxuries, entertainment, independent projects and the fine, healing or performing arts. Be patient, however, as there may also be losses, expenses, or separations. Jupiter is now in your eighth house until September 14th. Connect teaching, publishing and advisory roles with research and ancient knowledge. Be patient, however, to manage setbacks with debts, disputes, health or legal issues.

Leo: Expect good fortune, income and friendships. Focus on business, communications and entrepreneurial ventures. Gain from property, leadership, men (who are like brothers) and your organizing power. Connect children, education, investments and spiritual pursuits with partnerships and joint ventures – but safeguard these from debts, disputes, health or legal issues. Jupiter is now in your seventh house until September 14th. Connect pets, children, education, investments, and spiritual pursuits with marriage, partnerships, joint ventures and foreign lands. Safeguard these against fire, theft, debts, disputes or legal issues.

Virgo: Focus on research, mystical sciences and ancient knowledge, such as Ayurveda, Sthapatya Veda, Gandharva Veda, and Jyotish. Be patient, however, with retreats, ashrams, institutions, foreign lands, and insomnia. These along with your status or family life are vulnerable. Make decisions at work and connect with men who are like brothers — but be patient with setbacks or obstructions. Jupiter is now in your sixth house until September 14th. Make sure property, vehicles and fixed assets are properly documented. Safeguard these against fire, theft, debts, disputes or legal issues.

Libra: Focus on partnerships, joint ventures or foreign lands. These are connected with religion, good fortune or long-distance journeys. Be patient with short-lived expenses or separations. Connect entrepreneurial ventures with children, education and investments. Consider property, vehicles and fixed assets, but be vigilant to avoid accidents with same. Jupiter is now in your fifth house until September 14th. Connect communications and independent projects with children, education, investments and spiritual pursuits.

Scorpio:  Be patient with income and friendships through April; with losses, expenses and separations through May 3rd; with your career through mid-May; and with yourself through May – to manage debts, disputes, health or legal issues.  Your best bet is to focus on research, mystical sciences and ancient knowledge. Jupiter is now in your fourth house until September 14th.  Connect your wealth, status and family life with property, vehicles, fixed assets and home life. Work out of your home on independent projects associated with service to others, agriculture, manufacturing, sustainable living, etc.

Sagittarius: Focus on entrepreneurial ventures, but be vigilant with communications to avoid disputes. Connect your career with children, education, investments and partnerships or joint ventures. Expect good fortune, income and friendships with same. Think big, invest in gold or government bonds, and study writing, business, communications, and the fine, healing or performing arts. Jupiter is now in your third house until September 14th. Focus on communication, independence, and your own self-efforts. These are likely to contribute to your wealth, status and family life.

Capricorn: Work on and out of your home, and connect your career with writing, business, technology, and the fine, healing or performing arts. Be patient, however, to manage debts, disputes, health or legal issues – and to avoid accidents — connected with property, vehicles and home life. Be vigilant in general. Jupiter is now in your second house until Sept. 14th. There may be status connected with ashrams, institutions, or foreign lands. Be patient, however, to manage losses, expenses and separations in general.

Aquarius: Connect relationships with entrepreneurial ventures – associated with children, education, investments and spiritual pursuits. Except good fortune with your own initiatives and with large, spiritual, medical or government organizations – but be patient with short-lived delays and setbacks. Consider property matters. Losses, expenses, separations or international ventures are likely through April. Jupiter is now in your first house until September 14th. Gains, income and friendships are forefront. Teach, publish and advise. Be patient to manage losses, expenses and separations connected with retreats, institutions or long-distance projects.

Pisces: Be patient with mixed results with relationships. On the one hand, there may be wealth and status, while on the other hand there may be delays, setbacks, obstructions or accidents. Be vigilant when speaking to avoid disputes. Consider writing about research and mystical sciences. Expect a lift with property, vehicles, fixed assets, exercise and home life. Jupiter is now in your twelfth house until September 14th. Connect your career with ashrams, institutions or foreign lands. Be patient to manage losses, expenses and separations associated with your professional life.

About the Author: David Hawthorne