Mars transits Aquarius from April 7th, 2022 – May 16th, 2022
Mars will transit your eleventh house in the sign of Aquarius. Focus on income, gains, friendships, and fulfillment of desires. This placement is very good for income through your own self efforts. It can give you infectious energy levels as well. Focus on physical tasks and get back on a good workout schedule/routine. Monetize your creative ideas and expect gains during this time.
Mars will transit your tenth house in the sign of Aquarius. Connect your career and professional life with foriegn lands, ashrams, and spiritual journeys. Be careful of losses and setbacks in professional matters when Mars is close to your rising sign degree. There may also be issues for your health, assets, emotional relationships. Be competitive in the workplace. Your energy and vitality should be good during this time except for when Mars is close to your rising sign degree.
Mars will transit your ninth house in the sign of Aquarius. There can be good luck, divine grace, and good fortune connected with your income, gains, friendships, fulfillment of desires, and older siblings (if any). You may be feeling more fortunate during this time and may get the opportunity to travel. Overall, your income should be good.
Mars will transit your eighth house in the sign of Aquarius. There can be setbacks, delays, obstructions, dissatisfaction, vulnerability, and transformations relative to your career and professional life. Watch your temper and avoid restlessness in the workplace. This placement is also not ideal for the head, energy level, and muscular parts of the body. Get extra rest and lay low to avoid accidents.
Mars will transit your seventh house in the sign of Aquarius. There can be good luck, divine grace, and good fortune connected with your partnerships, relationships, joint ventures, and marriage during this time. Focus on building your relationship with your father, father figures, and preceptor/spiritual guide. Expect good success in the professional sphere and recognition. You may get the opportunity to travel as well.
Mars will transit your sixth house in the sign of Aquarius. There may be conflicts, debts, disputes, health and financial issues relative to windfalls, easy gains, inheritance, the martial bond, your head, energy level, and muscular parts of the body. There can also be setbacks to your father during this time, losses due to cheating or false allegations, or accidents. Be delicate with your marriage if you’re married.
Mars will transit your fifth house in the sign of Aquarius. Connect your partnerships, relationships, joint ventures, and marriage with higher education, children, investments, and creative projects. You can do well in partnership ventures. You may be feeling extra emotional during this time. Enjoy some extra quality time with your partner.
Mars will transit your fourth house in the sign of Aquarius. There can be conflicts, debts, disputes, health and financial issues relative to your home life, relationships, mental peace of mind, assets, spouse, job, parents, property, vehicles, and fixed assets when Mars is close to your rising sign degree. Focus some extra attention on your health and finances and consider obtaining property or working on the property you have.
Mars will transit your third house in the sign of Aquarius. Connect your higher education, children (if any), investments, and creative projects with entrepreneurial activities and independent projects. Connect your knowledge with practical aspects and focus on being innovative. Focus on writing and speaking on what you know.
Mars will transit your second house in the sign of Aquarius. There can be wealth and status connected with your home life, parents, property, vehicles, and fixed assets. Consider property or spend some time working on the property you have. Expect happiness in family life and work on family ventures and assets. Be careful with your speech to not be too harsh or strict.
Mars will transit your first house in the sign of Aquarius. Focus on your entrepreneurial activities, independent ventures, and your own self efforts. You may be feeling extra competitive, active, and energetic. This placement will give you good stamina and endurance. You can consider investments and property during this time.
Mars will transit your twelfth house in the sign of Aquarius. There can be losses, expenses, and separations relative to your wealth, status, relationships, and continuation of family life. This placement is also not ideal for your head, energy level, and muscular parts of the body which are subject to weakness during this time. You may have the chance to travel to a foreign land but you should be careful with investments decisions.