Full Moon in Taurus: Gift of Gratitude

The full Moon will be Exalted in Taurus, Nov. 25 at 4:43 p.m. CST.
Take a moment to reflect on how far you’ve come (in both material and spiritual abundance) since last year at this time. What changes have you experienced? What growth have you noticed?
You are constantly changing and it is time to honor these changes and to give thanks and gratitude for what you have today, in this moment. It is also the perfect time to give gratitude for the food on the table, the clothes on our back, and the roof over our head.
We can offer our love and our services to those who are less fortunate in remembrance of the spirits (both human and animal) who have walked this very earth before us and to those who walk beside us today with much less wealth and material abundance.
It is time to forgive our own pasts and to remember those who we have wronged and to vow we will do better each and everyday for our brothers, our sisters, and Mother Earth so we can all prosper together.
With this new found wisdom the full Moon in Taurus bestows upon you, you should find it easier to utilize your compassion, resources, and patience when dealing with difficult family members this Thursday.
Moon is however, under the ninth aspect of Rahu so watch your own emotional state and exercise extra care and patience around large crowds and depressing people.
As Moon moves into Gemini on Friday you should start to feel more social and enjoy the continued company of friends and family.

With all my gratitude,
