Mercury in Scorpio: Disciplined, Fearless, Persevering

According to Vedic astrology and the Sidereal Zodiac (which is 23 degrees earlier than the Tropical Zodiac used by Western astrologers, from November 20th, 2021-December 9th, 2021 Mercury will transit the sign of Scorpio.  For the Aries, Libra, and Aquarius rising signs Mercury becomes a functional malefic planet and can cause harm in their charts.

Astrological Forecast: Mars in Libra

Mars transits the sign of Libra from October 21st, 2021-December 4th, 2021 When Mars is strong by placement in the birth chart and by transit it denotes action, passion, ambition, physical strength, goal-directed energy, the power to carry through, courage, bravery, heroism, competitiveness and a fighting spirit. This placement is especially favorable for Aries, Gemini,