Planetary Transits for September 24 – September 30

Notes:  In the horoscope for the USA, transit 6th house ruler, Jupiter, remains closely conjunct the 4th house ruler, Venus. This is likely the cause of debts, disputes, mental tension, health and legal issues, and civil unrest — relative to property, the weather, and our domestic peace through the national election, (especially August 15 – October 15) when

Planetary Transits for September 17 – September 23

Notes:  In the horoscope for the USA, transit 6th house ruler, Jupiter, remains closely conjunct the 4th house ruler, Venus. This is likely the cause of debts, disputes, mental tension, health and legal issues, and civil unrest — relative to property*, the weather, and domestic peace through the national election, especially August 15 – October 15 when they