Mercury in Aquarius

Mercury transits the sign of Aquarius from January 25th, 2021-February 4th, 2021 Mercury transits the sign of Capricorn from February 4th, 2021-March 11th, 2021  Astrological Forecast: Mercury Transits Capricorn Mercury transits the sign of Aquarius from March 11th, 2021-March 31st, 2021  Mercury is retrograde January 30th, 2021-February 20th, 2021  Mercury Retrograde is only a problem

Planetary Transits for January 21 – January 27

(Interpretations based on the Systemsʻ Approach to Vedic Astrology) Notes:  Congratulations to President Biden and Vice President Harris. Best wishes for good health, bipartisan leadership, and national accomplishments. In the SAMVA chart for USA, it appears that challenges are likely through mid-April 2022. Then, the following 10 years should be exceptionally successful. Saturn transits its own sign,

Planetary Transits for January 14 – January 20

(Interpretations based on the Systemsʻ Approach to Vedic Astrology) Notes:  In last weekʻs column, I used this phrase in four different places: “…Cancer…rising sign persons, companies and countries…(including USA) should be careful and patient”. Impeachment: In the chart for President Trump, transit Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are currently in his 6th house of debts, disputes, violence, conflicts, enemies and